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"Millie! Finn is here!" My mom yelled as I stare myself in the mirror again, examining the dress, my face, my hair, everything.

"Okay, give me a second!" I replied. "Millie, today you will tell Finn how you feel and you will kiss him again- No that's too cocky. You will tell Finn how you feel. End of."

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone off charge and put it inside my purse. I opened my bedroom door and began walking down the stairs slowly.

When I got about halfway through the stairs I saw him. In a black tuxedo, white shirt, black bow tie and his hair all curly as usual.

He looks at me as if he's stiff, he doesn't smile, he doesn't frown, he just... stares.

"M-Millie." I heard Finn stutter as I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked over to him and my mom.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." My mom said as I smiled at her. "Now you two go and have a good time!"

"Thanks mom." I said as she walked out into the kitchen, leaving me and Finn alone.

I looked back towards Finn and he's smiling, widely. "You look adorable."

"Adorable? You've never called me that before." I said with a laugh as Finn blushes.


Finn is blushing? Why?

"You look handsome." I said as Finn looks me in the eyes.

"Thank you Brown." He said, calling me by my last name. He extends his arm out for me to link; "Shall we?"

"Indeed we shall." I said as we walked out into Finn's moms car and we drove to the Snowball.

"You look gorgeous tonight Millie." Finn's mom said.

"Thank you Shannon." I replied.

"How's Natalia and Joe? I've haven't seen them in a couple weeks because of my work and everything..."

"Yeah they are doing fine, they work all the time too." I said. "How's Charlie?"

"He's alright, you know him, always taking pictures all the damn time." She says as we all laugh, including Finn.


We've been at the Snowball for about an hour now, me and Finn have talked, eaten, danced a little and just had a great time with one another.

I'm just choosing the right time to tell him how I feel, it has to be tonight, otherwise I may not get another chance to tell him.

Right now it's around 8:30 and Sadie still hasn't arrived yet or she is here but I just haven't seen-

"Mills you look bomb!" I turn around and I see a beautiful looking Sadie standing infront of me. I hug her and we have a little conversation until Finn walks back over after his toilet break.

"Hey Sads, you look nice." He says giving her a side hug.

"Thanks, so do you." She says, looking back at me. "But I think Millie looks the best out of all of us, don't you agree Finn?"

"Of course." He says, looking back at me. We both exchange a smile. "She's always beautiful."

I was about to reply when the music stopped. Everyone started looking around and shouting and then Beau walked up onto the stage... I don't think this is going to go well.

tell him • finn+millie {short story}Where stories live. Discover now