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Finn took his jacket and shoes off and placed them on my bed as we walked downstairs. As I laid on the couch watching Shrek on Netflix, Finn was making me Jam on Toast, with a bowl of strawberries on the side, and a cup of Hot Chocolate.

He sat next to me and gave me my food, I smiled at him and he smiled back. We watched the rest of Shrek and I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready a little, by a little I mean just put a tracksuit and my hair in a messy bun. I walked downstairs in my grey Calvin Klein tracksuit and my hair in a messy bun.

Finn fell asleep on the couch funny enough, I laughed at this sight of him sleeping, one eye half open and his mouth open wide. I pulled my blanket over him so he could be warm.

I glanced at the time; 11:18am. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and walked over to the bookshelf which was next to my TV.

I closed my eyes and picked a book at random; Paper Towns by John Green.

I grabbed the book and sat on my two seater couch, Finn was on my three seater. I read for quite a while, once I had read about 75 pages, it was 11:58am. I put my book down and went to my fridge to make a ham sandwich, well two, one for me and one for Finn. Ham sandwiches were Finn's favourite.

As I finished, I walked over to Finn and shook him lightly;

"Finn. Hey. Finny. You've got to wake up, it's just gone 12." I whispered as Finn stirred. "Come on Finny. Wake up."

"Noooo." He whined with his eyes still sealed shut.

"I made ham sandwiches." I said as I saw Finn's eyes shoot open.

"My favourite." He whispered as he got up and I passed the plate to him.

I turned the TV back on and we watched The Big Bang Theory on Netflix. We both loved the show and had watched it since it began on E4. It's such a good show.

"Millie?" Finn suddenly says.

"Yeah?" I say, still looking at the screen.

"What was it you wanted to tell me yesterday?" He asked as I could feel his eyes on me. I couldn't tell him now, it doesn't feel right.

"I-It was nothing. Honestly." I replied, still looking at the screen. Finn took the tv remote and pressed pause on Netflix and turned to me.

I looked back at him and for some reason, I felt a reason to cry. I don't know why. It just happened... One look at him and a tear escaped.

"Millie what's wrong?" I had to lie to him.

"I'm just scared for when I go back to school tomorrow... I mean what's everyone going to say? Is Millie the Virgin going to be a nickname that people are going to call me? I... I don't know why she picks on me all the time!" At this point I started raising my voice and more tears were escaping my eyes.

Then I realised, this was real. I really did feel like this, I wasn't pretending. I really did feel scared.

"Millie it's okay-"

"That's what you always say Finn!" I yell, with tears streaming, running off my couch all the way up my stairs and into my bathroom.

I shut and locked the door behind me, and turning around and facing the mirror that stands before me.

Look at me. I'm a mess. Tears on my face, red cheek. Bags under my eyes. What the hell is happening?

Suddenly I get a flashback from the last time I was crying in this bathroom...



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