||Chapter Forty-Five|| The one that's just awkward

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Category: those really, really cringe-worthy moments in life.

1. “Don't get stabbed. It makes everything awkward.” -Maureen Johnson, The Madness Underneath

2. “You know on TV when there’s one of those awkward, shocking moments and all you hear are the crickets in the background?

Well chirp fucking chirp...this is one of those moments.” -Emma Chase, Tangled

3. “I mean, we're ninjas."

"Well maybe you're a ninja," I said.

"You're just a really loud, awkward ninja," Margo said, "but we are both ninjas.” -John Green, Paper Towns

4. “Okay," I said. "Just a normal afternoon and two normal people."

She nodded. "And so...hypothetically, if these two people like each other, what would it take to get the stupid guy to kiss the girl, huh?"

"Oh..." I felt like one of Apollo's sacred cows-slow, dumb, and bright red. "Um...” -Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian

5. “Awkward interests me, he said. At least when you are feeling awkward you are always thinking. When you are feeling fabulous, for example, rare occurrence that it may be, you stop thinking altogether. Which gets you into all kinds of trouble. Hence, you are for the better off feeling awkward. Just the sound of it on your tongue. Like chewing on screws.” -Elizabeth Brundage, The Doctor's Wife

6. “He tasted like cinnamon — too bad I was allergic to cinnamon. Good thing I didn’t go into anaphylactic shock from the kiss. That would have been awkward” -Rachel Van Dyken, Toxic

7. “Out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw Jace shoot her a look of white rage - but when she glanced at him, he looked as he always did: easy, confident, slightly bored.

"In future, Clarissa," he said, "it might be wise to mention that you already have a man in your bed, to avoid such tedious situations."

"You invited him into bed?" Simon demanded, looking shaken.

"Ridiculous, isn't it?" said Jace. "We would never have all fit."

"I didn't invite him into bed," Clary snapped. "We were just kissing."

"Just kissing?" Jace's tone mocked her with its false hurt. "How swiftly you dismiss our love.” -Cassandra Clare, City of Bones

8. “Here's the thing. Math and I broke up two years ago, and now whenever we get together it's just weird and awkward for both of us.” -Sariah Wilson, The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back

9. “I like awkward moments. They are full of tension and suspense. Anything's possible or, at the very least, they are the source of some electric sizzle.” -Donna Lynn Hope

10. “It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible, and which are not. …” -Carl Sagan

11. “He shook his head, just looking at me. 

- "What?" I asked.

- "Nothing," he said.

- "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Augustus half smiled. "Because you're beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence." A brief awkward silence ensued. Augustus plowed through: "I mean, particularly given that, as you so deliciously pointed out, all of this will end in oblivion and everything."

I kind of scoffed or sighed or exhaled in a way that was vaguely coughy and then said, "I'm not beau-"

- "You are like a millennial Natalie Portman. Like V for Vendetta Natalie Portman."

- "Never seen it."

- "Really?" he asked. "Pixie-haired gorgeous girl dislikes authority and can't help but fall for a boy she knows is trouble. It's your autobiography, so far as I can tell."

His every syllable flirted. Honestly, he kind of turned me on. I didn't even know that guys could turn me on - not, like, in real life.” -John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

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