Chapter 2: The Stranger (10,000 AD)

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Michael woke with a feeling. These feelings were nothing new to him. In fact they were quite normal. Usually they were a sign that something was to happen today. If he could follow the signs. These signs were sometimes tiny unnoticeable clues, and other times were straight forward instructions.

After getting dressed, he headed down to the kitchen and made some breakfast and watched the morning news on TV. He was about to go for a walk when he received a text message. No name and no number came with the message and it contained 2 words.

4.40pm Library

Alex arrived at school as normal that day. He made it through two whole lessons without anyone making snide comments at him. It wasn't until after morning break that everything changed.

"Could Alex please report to the head master's office immediately."

This rang throughout the school over the tanoid system installed last year. Sighing he got up and left his class. It wasn't uncommon for him to be called away like this. He was after all, one of the prefects.

When he arrived at the Head Master's office and sat down the Head Master said to him, "Alex, you are one of our best students. Especially in the subject of Ancient History. For this reason the Library has requested you to join their staff as a Scholar in Ancient History. This will allow you to continue your studies on the project with 24 hour access to many archives."

Abyss was astonished. Scholars were usually aged 30-40 when they started and he was only 17! "When do I start?" he asked.

"Right away. You are to report there now and you're day will end at 4.40pm. In future days you will begin at 8.40am. Congratulations Alex, and Good luck."

"Thank you sir." Alex left the room and headed for his locker to leave the school.

Walking away he couldn't help feel stunned. Ancient History was his favorite subject and had been ever since he searched for information on his dreams. He had found out that long ago there was an island called Moirav which was run and governed by 3 Brothers. After hundreds of years of peace, the island was over run by an evil known only as the blades. History didn't say who these blades were led by just that they were strong and took less than a day to win. No one knows exactly when this happened but scholars believe it was around 10,000 years ago. The island of Moirav was also lost. Legend also states that when the time is right, the three brothers will re-appear and take back the island with the help of 3 mortals.

At 4.30pm, Michael parked his car and walked the rest of the way to the Library. He went in and wandered around, letting his feeling lead him. It took him to the Ancient History section and there he found a scholar, but this scholar was only a boy.

Confused, he left the library and sat in his car. At 4.40pm a person walked out and his feeling got stronger. He looked closer and saw it was the boy he had noticed before.

Very well, he thought to himself. Obviously his masters wanted this boy.


Alex left the library and had the feeling he was being watched. He looked around but couldn't see anyone so he shook it off and walked home.

When he arrived home, he checked his email to find he has a message from an organisation which only stated the sender as M.O.I.R.A.E. Opening it he found it said one thing.


What the hell, he thought to himself. Shaking his head he went to the kitchen, made himself some food and settled down to watch TV.

Time passed by and Alex kept looking at the clock. 6.50pm..6.55pm...6.59pm..

As soon as the clock struck 7PM there was a knock on the door. Scared Alex slowly went to the door and opened it, to find a tall man dressed in a long black coat standing there.

"Greetings Alex," the stranger said, "My name is Michael."

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