Chapter 7: The Master and the Watcher

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"What do you mean sales figures are down?" Jake yelled down the phone. "Find a way to get them up!" He hung up the phone and sighed. Things had got worse for his company, Jake Incorporated, over the last few weeks

Buzz...his office intercom went. "Yes?" he answered.

"Sir, Blaze is here to see you," his receptionist answered.

"Send him in."

Blaze walked in the office wearing a long black jacket, under which, he was wearing full black combat gear. On his head he wore black sunglasses which hid his eyes and his hair was neatly styled. "I have a message from Michael" was all he said.


Eric arrived at Moirav at exactly 6PM. Shawn was waiting for him with a guard of 6 Blades.

"Welcome Master," Shawn said.

"I better be welcome, Shawn," Eric replied, "I want you to meet me in my room in 1 hour."

"Yes Master."


Jake was sitting at his desk thinking. So Rayth had found his warrior. Hopefully now he would get some kind of news from Iann. There hadn't been any word, whisper or rumour, about his second brother, or any of his staff, for over 500 years. It was worrying, but it was too risky for Jake to try contact him.

He got up and looked out the window to the street below. It was busy with cars going up and down, and shoppers were bustling about trying to get into the shops before they closed. He looked up at the sky and followed a cloud moving across. He noticed a bird sitting at the top of the building opposite. It looked at him, and suddenly Jake felt a massive pressure on his mind. It was the pressure felt whenever someone as trying to gain access to his mind. He instinctively cleared his mind and looked away from the bird. The pressure lifted, he looked outside and the bird was gone. He felt strange. The mind that was pressing onto him felt familiar. Was it someone from his past?

He shook off the feeling. It was only a bird. He sat down at his desk and started going over his sales estimates again.


Shawn arrived precisely on time. He sat down and Eric started to speak. "Shawn, recent intelligence has reported that a small underground group of mortals has been gaining power. From what we can tell, they have people in very high positions all over the mortal world. They have also found out about the existence of Immortals and rumors are saying that they have scientists working on Immortality.

"What does this have to do with me?" Shawn asked him, "My mission was to capture Moirav and eliminate the brothers."

"It has to do with all of us. These mortals have in their head that we are selfish by not sharing Immortality with them, and so they kill any Immortal they find. We have tried to infiltrate the group but every agent we send has turned up dead. You are the only person under my command who has Mortals working for them. I want you to get some mortals to infiltrate this group and find out what they know, who they are, and who is leading them. They have someone powerful behind them and I want to know who."

"I understand. It will be done."

And so, Shawn went back to his chambers. He highly doubted that a small group of mortals was any danger but his Master seemed genuinely worried.

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