Chapter 3: Paradise (10,000 AD)

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Alex woke in a large luxurious bedroom. He was lying on a king-sized 4-poster bed. 'What the hell happened,' he said aloud, 'And where am I?'

"You are in Paradise," a voice replied, coming from the corner. Abyss looked around to see Michael walking towards him.

"You! You did this!" Alex screamed at him. He tried to jump out of the bed, only to discover he couldn't move at all except his head. But he couldn't feel or see anything holding him down.

"Yes. I had to bring you here for both your protection, and that of my Masters. You see, Alex, you have been chosen. This is a great privilege, but also puts your life in danger from our enemies, until your transformation is complete."

"What Transformation? And why can't I move?" Clearly this Michael character was a bit of a nutjob.

"You have been bound by the magic of Fate, would be the simplest way to put it, And yes, your mortal body must undergo a transformation in order for you to become a fate warrior."

"A fate..." Alex was getting more confused by the second.

"You will understand soon enough. For now just relax. Once I leave the room you will be able to move again. If you need anything just ask one of the guards standing outside the door." Michael walked away and Alex heard a door open and close.

At first he lay on the bed wondering how he got here. He remembered opening the door, and next thing he knew he was here. The stranger, Michael, must have hit him over the head or something, yet he wasn't in any pain.

He tried lifting his arm and to his surprise he could move. He got up out of the bed and looked around the room, taking a second to regain his balance. He noticed that there was one security camera in the corner and another in the opposite corner. He saw an open door at one end of the room and headed over to it, then realizing it was a toilet, with a bathing chamber off through another door. Looking around he spotted a window and went over to it.

Looking out all he could see was a huge (and I mean HUGE) lake, and far off in the distance were some mountains. Leaning round as far as he could see at both sides, the lake just seemed to continue. Either he was on an island in the middle of a huge lake, or he was on the edge of a lake but the land he was on stuck out from the shore.

While he was standing at the window, there was a knock on the door that Michael had left through. He turned round expecting someone to walk in but no-one did. Another knock and he finally said 'Come in.'

Another stranger entered the room wearing full black robes with a dark hood that covered their face. It was impossible to determine a gender of this new person. They were wearing black gloves which covered their hands, and carrying a silver covered tray which they set down on a large (12 people) table in the middle of the room, and then left again.

Alex went over to the table and lifted the cover off the tray. He was surprised to find Roast chicken with potatoes, and even a boat of gravy. Well, he thought, may as well eat since I obviously am not going anywhere. So he sat down at the table and ate the meal, not realizing how hungry he actually was.

Once he was finished, he got up and had another look around the room. It wasn't until then he noticed a closed door beside the bed. But when he tried to open it, it was locked and he couldn't see a keyhole or anything.

Another knock at the door and this time he didn't hesitate before calling for them to enter. Michael walked back in the room.

"Ah, I see you have eaten. My master would like to see you now. Follow me." He said. Alex followed without hesitation. Maybe now he would find out what was going on.

He Followed Michael through countless corridors until they finally came to a large double iron door. It had a strange crest on it featuring only the letter M. Michael opened the door and Alex entered alone. Inside was another stranger with a long blue hooded cloak standing at a window with his back to the door. He turned when Alex entered, and Alex gasped when he saw his face.

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