Chapter 6: Nexus (9,998 AD)

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Rebecca strolled through the market. She knew he had to be here somewhere. She had seen him in her vision, and her visions were never wrong. If only she could remember the exact details of what had happened. She stopped to have a look around. Her eyes followed a young boy run from one side to the other, and then she noticed him.

She recognized him due to the fact he was wearing a long black robe with a hood. It definitely was not the sort of thing people wore in public, but no one else seemed to notice, and he was looking, or it seemed he was, directly at her.

She started to walk towards him, and as she drew near, he turned and walked away. Curious, she followed him through the market, and out into the street. He led her up the street and stopped at the entrance to an alley. She caught up with him.

"Down this alley lies a portal. If you go through it, you will make a new meaningful life for yourself. If you do not, you will wake up tomorrow with no memory of this." His voice was cool and clear.

She thought about it. She had nothing here, so it didn't take her long to decide. "Okay" was the only word she said. He nodded and started down the alley, Rebecca right behind him.

The alley was dark, and had a cold musty scent to it. It got darker the further in the went. At the very end, there was a wall. On this wall was painted a pentagram, with a strange seal encircling it. The man told her to stop and she did. She was about 5 feet away from the wall. He started to speak, but it was in a strange language that she couldn't understand. As she spoke the pentagram seal started to glow and spin around. The longer he spoke, the faster it spun, until eventually it looked like a solid glowing mass. He motioned to her and she stepped forward. She stopped just before the portal and examined it one last time, took a deep breath and stepped through.

------------- 10,000 AD

RING RING, Michael's phone started to ring. He answered.

"Do you have the girl?" came a voice from the other end.

"Yes, we are on our way to you now my Lord."

"Good. Show her straight to her quaters. It seems the Master is not happy and is coming to pay a visit. Be sure to behave and keep out of sight."

"Yes sir." Michael hung up. "It seems your arrival is to be blessed with a higher presence than expected" he said to Rebecca.

"If it must." came her response.

-----------9,998 AD----------------

Inside the portal was like walking through a glass tunnel under water. Looking through the walls on either side, Michael could see people walking around, but they weren't normal people. They were transparent, like spirits.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"This is the astral plane. It is where spirits dwell before moving to the other world. These portals use all the Planes to transport to different areas." came the reply.

His words swam through her head. "So these portals are everywhere?"

"They are everywhere and they are nowhere. Unless a portal is in use it does not exist."

"I see" she said.

The kept on walking through the portal for what seemed like over an hour, yet when they finally got out and she looked at her watch, only a few minutes had passed. This time her question was anticipated. 

"Time passes differently in each of the planes. It is at normal speed in the Physical plane, and is much slower in the astral plane. You will learn all of this in due course."

Rebecca Had the feeling she should have read more non-fiction books than she had. Maybe more of this would make sense.

It was then that she looked around and realised where they were. "This is Nexus City!" she exclaimed.

"You know this place?" her guide said surprised.

"I found a book in the library. It had pictures of this place, but it said it was destroyed in an earthquake 500 years ago."

"Well the book was correct. We are currently in an artificial plane. It is protected by a certain kind of magic so the fact that you managed to come through the portal means you are not our enemy."

This guy must like confusing her. "What's an artificial plane?"

"An artificial plane is the exact same as a normal plane, such as the astral plane, except that it is created by someone. The creator can control every aspect of it, except people who were not created with the plane. He can control the weather, what everything looks like and even the flow of a river."

"So.. Essentially, the creator is God of the plane."

"In a manner of speaking that would be correct. When the old Nexus was destroyed, the Master created this plane and brought us all here."

"And who is your master?"

"You are going to see him now."

The walked through the city until they came to the very center of it. This building was the largest of all and it rose up higher than any other buildings in the city. This was so that whoever was in charge could see everything.

They climbed up the stone steps, and walked into the building. The entered into a reception area and her guide nodded at the receptionist who nodded back. He led her through another door and down a corridor and stopped at a door.

"Through here, your life starts to change. There are 10 rooms through this door. Each room contains a test. You must complete each test before you can proceed. With each test comes a... reward. Pass all 10 of them and you will meet the master. If you cannot pass any of the tests, you will be trapped in that room until you complete it. Good Luck."

He opened the door and she entered. She heard the door click shut behind her.

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