Chapter 5: Memories (10,000 AD ~ 1,259 YoM)

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Michael drove in silence. Every so often he would look over to the girl in the passenger sear. For some odd reason she reminded him of his wife Catherine. Why? He didn't know. With these thoughts he remembered a time 10,000 years before....

Moirav summers were the best. The sun was always blazing, no rain, no wind, and perfect harmony. Michael usually got off work early on these days. He was the personal assistant to Rayth, one of the Moirae brothers. It was one of these days when everything collapsed.

He was on his way home from work, and stopped at a stall to buy a necklace and a bunch of flowers for Catherine. The necklace was made of silver and had rubies embedded in it. Working for Rayth definitely had its perks pay wise. Further along the road he stopped on a bridge to watch the water rushing by. It always reminded him of how Mortals are less fortunate and why they needed the help of the Moirae.

When he got home, he was greeted by the smell of a lovely cooked roast beef. He followed the smell through to the kitchen and found Catherine working over the stove. He spun her round, planted a kiss on her lips and gave her the gifts he had picked up on his way home, then set the table ready for dinner. Dinner was as ever, an enjoyable occasion. They talked about each others day and Michael told her of how Rayth had mentioned one day he would be sent into the Mortal world to do some work.

A few hours later, Michael was upstairs preparing to go for a bath when he heard screams from outside, and then a crash as his front door was knocked down. He ran to the top of the stairs and saw Blades dragging Catherine out of the house.

"Shit," he said. He started to run after them only to be stopped at the doorway by Lord Shawn.

"Michael, it has been a while." Sun said. "I hope you don't mind, but I have taken your wife and you will do some work for me if you ever want to see her again."

"Damn you Shawn!" Michael retorted.

"Well, you really don't have a choice in this matter. I want you to continue your work for Rayth but you will report to me when I need you. I'll be in touch soon. Oh, and don't tell anyone about this or little Catherine won't live for long." And with that he walked off towards the castle out of site.

Michael ran after him only to see Blades taking control. He scarpered and got out of there into the Mortal world.

He'd only seen Catherine 3 times since she was taken. And each under the watchful gaze of Shawn. Every time he saw, or heard from, Shawn, he hated him even more. If he knew where she was being kept, he would break the blood oath between him and Shawn, sacrificing himself but freeing her. It was this oath that Shawn made Michael take the first time they met after the battle. Since then, Michael's life had been hell.

However, deep down inside Michael there was a glimmer of hope that Rayth would be able to help him. Only staff of Rayth knew that he had a mind connection with all his staff members so he could contact them anywhere, and then know when they are in danger. So Rayth already knew everything despite not being told. Not that Shawn knew about this. There was also the Soul Forge bond that was formed between himself and Rayth, when he underwent the Soul Forge ceremony. It was a common belief between Moiravians that Immortal's weren't truly Immortal until they underwent a Soul Forge with another Immortal. Without a forged soul, you were just mortal. It was also widely believed, that the Moirae brothers knew more about Forged Souls than any other being on the planet, but this has yet to be proven.

Michael returned to the present and turned to look at his passenger again. She was staring right at him.

"So, what is your name then?" He asked her, his voice coming out rough, as he was trying to hold back tears.

"My name...." came the reply, "is Rebecca"

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