Chapter 4: Contact (10,000 AD)

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Michael Went to his chambers and logged onto his PC. He typed in a second password and a video call popped up.

"Has the boy arrived?" came a voice from the other end of the call.

"Yes. He is being tested and prepared for transformation as we speak." Michael Replied.

"Damn. If only we knew about him sooner. Very well. Despite this setback, I have another lead. There is a girl. Go to her and bring her to me. We need to make sure she doesn't enter against us."

"Yes my lord," Michael Ended the call, got up and left the castle.


"But how is this possible?" Alex stammered at the sight of his headmaster.

"I know this must be very confusing for you. I am not who you think I am. I have the ability to change my form, and so I am using this form so that you feel some comfort in my presence." Came the reply, "It was I who arranged for you to be transferred to the library and from there brought here."

"Why? Why am I here?" Alex was confused. All he knew was that he'd been kidnapped, and whisked off to a strange place.

"You have been selected to be a fate warrior. You are the 78th person to be selected, but hopefully will be the first to pass the test. All of the others before you have failed and returned to their normal lives. However, there is something about you that makes me think you will pass."

"What is this test?" Ablex was panicking. He wasn't good at tests, unless they involved Ancient History of course.

"The test is simple. I will ask you 3 questions and you must answer using instinct. You must answer with the first thing you feel. Thinking about it will make you fail."

"Okay. I am ready", or so Alex thought.


Michael pulled his car over to the side of the road and peered out the passenger side window into the park beyond. He looked carefully until he finally spotted her.

She was around 22 years old, slim build, with shiny brown hair falling down her back. He got out his car and walked to the gate. He walked slowly around the park so as not to arouse suspicion, while at the same time casting a spell which would hide both himself, and the girl from reality. And to stop anyone noticing her disappearance. As the spell ended, he strode up behind her and prepared to cast a second spell to render her unconscious, but then she spoke.

"I know why you have came, Michael," She said, "You need not knock me out. I will come voluntarily as I have been waiting for you."

"How did you know my name?" He replied.

"I know more than you can imagine. Now we best hurry, or I am sure you will be in trouble."

She was right. So together they got into his car and drove off into the horizon.


"Okay, first question. Who am I?" Rayth asked.

"You are Rayth Mistwalker. Strongest, and oldest, of the 3 Moirae brothers. You are the rightful ruler of Moirav and the outlying islands." came the instant reply. Alex blinked. He didn't know where that came from.

Rayth was shocked, although he hid all emotion from his face. No one, in 10,000 years, had ever given such an accurate answer. "Second Question, where are we?"

Again, Alex answered instantly, though he did not know how he knew. "We are in the council chambers of the castle Fienz, on the Isle of Fierra."

"And how do you know this?"

"I can feel it in my blood, bones and heart. It feels as if the land itself is telling me."

Rayth was amazed. After 10 millenia of searching he had finally found the fate warrior who could help him reclaim what was his. "Well Alex. You have passed the test and all that is left now is your transformation. Please follow me and we can begin immediately."

They walked through a second door in the chamber into what looked like a laboratory. "Lie on the table, relax and close your eyes," Rayth instructed. "When you wake you will be back in your chambers"

Alex did as he was told but found it difficult to relax. Eventually he did, and his mind went blank.........

Alex woke in a familiar room lying on a large four-poster bed.

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