The meeting ( A BTS FF PT.6 )

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The meeting ( A BTS FF PT.6 )


*30 minutes pass by and know its time to talk to bts directly, face-to face but you feel anxious*

*Lisa went first, then you where second, you felt really anxious and nervous, you didn't know why*

*Lisa introduced herself to namjoon, he was first in the line*

Lisa: Hello im-

namjoon: Lisa?, what are you doing here, I thought you couldn't see us ever, if are staff see you, you will be in big trouble,

Lisa: You remember me? I can come to shows and fan-meetings,the contract that it was fine to your fan.

Namjoon: Of course I remember you lisa, you and y/n are unforgettable, is she here to?

Lisa: yes, she is right there, *she pointed to you*

Namjoon: May i ask why did you come?

Lisa: well y/n got me tickets for my birthday before the accident, so it was preplanned then you guys moved the dates

Namjoon: Oh I see

Lisa: I-

*The staff member told her to move along, because she was taking to long, the rest of bts looked at lisa, and realized, who she was*

*They all got excited and started looking around to see if they could find you, and they did*

"ok, ok I'm going" lisa replied *and went to the next person witch was taehyung, he to had the same question,and lisa answer the same way.*

*You came up to the stage and, went on ur knees then started talking to namjoon*

Namjoon: Y/n?

You: Yes

Namjoon: how have you been?

You: What do you mean?

Namjoon: I mean how, have you been recovering, are you okay know?

You: Oh yes I am, but its been weird,

Namjoon: Who so?

You; I have ptsd, but its getting better, but I sometimes find myself wanting to contact you 7, even tho we all just talked for a couple hours, I consider you all my friends,

Namjoon: I feel that to, you and lisa really leave a mark, a good one

*You both giggle, then move to taehyung, and lisa moves to jimin,jimin asked lisa the same questions and lisa answerd the same way*

*Taehyung, looked at you fondly*

You: What are you looking at?

Tae: Your beauty,

You: What? *you were surprised, you looked down and blushed lightly*

*Tae shook his head in realization of what he just said*

Tae: Oh sorry i didn't mean o,,,um....hi

*You laugh* "its okay tae are very handsome.. and hello" * you said this with a smile, wanting to see taehyung's reaction*

*taehyung started blushing, you smirked seeing him all worked up, you found it cute*

You: How-

Staff: excuse me but please move on,

*You respond as kindly as you could, you were a little mad the staff just cut you off, but you looked at tae, bowed and tried to move*

*But tae barbed you hand, an when you scooted over to jimin, you couldn't,*

The meeting ( A  BTS JUNGKOOK  FF )Where stories live. Discover now