The meeting ( A BTS FF PT.7 )

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*You went to the front desk and they sent you to the room of the CEO*

CEO( bang pd nim): Hello y/n






CEO( bang pd nim): Hello y/n

You: Hello, Mr

bang pd him: please sit, I want to discuss the opportunity to work here in a couple years, I know my staff recommended this to you, but I want to talk more about it.

You: Yes of course, so lets talk * you smile lightly*

bang pd him: So, I here you can do makeup and hair pretty well, how long have you been doing this?

you: I always loved makeup and hair, so I think when I was 12, and know I'm 20

Bang pd him: Wow thats a long time, I also heard you are good with picking out clothes?

You: Yes I also am really good at that sir

Bang pd: well you would need to a collage that teaches you about this profession, and you will need to get a degree, in this profession, we will recommend you to some top schools but we will not pay for it, mainly because if you end up working somewhere else, we would not like to have spend all that money,

you: I understand

Bang pd him hands you 6 pamphlets,

Bag pd him: These are all schools that teach what you like, look over them tonight, then contact me tomorrow, and we will send a recommendation for you, and once you have graduated, if you choose you can work for us

You: Bang pd him? these are all overseas....will that mean i have to learn a new language?...I will also have to leave everything behind..

Bang pd him: Y/n listen. this is a great opportunity, dont let fear stop you, yes it will be hard but if you graduate, you will surely be successful,

You: Alright ill choose one, ill give you an answer tomorrow night

Bang Pd him: Ok.. then ill see you later

*You leave his office and start walking out of the building, you were to distracted reading the pamphlets, that you didn't notice jungkook looking at his phone also distracted walking towards the office, you dumb into him*

You: Yahhh!!

*Jungkook looks up from his screen*

Jk: y/n?

You: Oh jungkook?

jk: what are you doing here?

You: What are you doing here?

Jk: *smirks* This is the company I'm signed under

You: I was here for a meeting.. but it just finished

Jk: what meeting?

You: Do you have to know?...hehe

Jk: No i dont have to know..but I want to know

You: Well in that case... it was for a job offering

Jk: Wait!! you might work with us!!!

You: calm down, maybe....but in 4 years

The meeting ( A  BTS JUNGKOOK  FF )Where stories live. Discover now