Chapter 2

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Teens Undercover

Chapter 2

I rush back to my room and get changed, my mom is letting all of those who want to go into town go.

I pull on a pair of faded blue jeans, an over side sweatshirt that says army strong on it and a pair of black converse. I braid my long blonde hair and then pull it into a bun. I look at my blue eyes in the mirror. Contemplating whether or not I should wear make up.

"Hope, are you ready?" Jay asks, knocking on my door.

"Yeah, come on in." I say, still staring at myself in the mirror.

Jay walks in to my dorm like room, more of a very small apartment. My queen sized bed sits on the far wall, pushed into the corner, my nightstand next to it. My retainer case and iHome sitting on it, along with a few random papers. On the wall parallel to my bed is a small book shelf with a 24" flat screen TV sitting on it, my Blue-Ray player sitting next to it. Next to my book shelf is my dresser, bottles of lotion and perfume sitting on it, and a couple of pieces of random jewelry. On the same wall as my bed is my desk with my safe sitting in the bottom of it. My laptop open, behind the darkened screen is the blue prints of the building we just made the drug bust in.

Over all, my room is very plain, but my only interest is keeping my country safe. That is what matters to me.

"Ready?" Jay asks, plopping down on a mushroom chair I have.

I look in the mirror at what I am wearing and just what I look like.

"Hope, to look fine." Jay says, shaking his head at me, "Girls...." He mutters.

I grab my can of hair spray and throw it at him, "Don't judge!" I yell, putting on a little bit of mascara.

"Okay, I'm ready." I say, grabbing my wallet, phone and sunglasses.

"Do you want to take my car or yours?" Jay asks, swinging his keys around his finger.

I grab the keys to my small cobalt, "Mine, so we don't have to fill up 5 or 6 times on the way there." I say, locking the door to my apartment.

"It doesn't burn that much gas....." Jay says, walking out into the parking lot to my Chevy cobalt.

"Yes it does. The last time we went into two, we literally had to refill 3 times." I say, unlocking the door for him the going over to my side, a piece of glass or something breaking under my foot.

I feel a sharp sting in my ankle and look down, but don't see anything.

I get into my car, a head a he starting in the back of my head, but I just shake it off, "Where first?" I ask, pulling on my seat best and starting my car.

"Let's get hot chocolate then go to the Panera Bread in china town." Jay says, pulling on his seat belt and turning on the radio.

The head ache begins to pound harder and harder as I drive down the road, blinking constantly to keep my vision from fogging over.

"Hope, are you okay?" Jay asks, his voice distorted as my head hits the steering wheel, drifting off into the familiar world of unconsciousness.

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