Chapter 3

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Teens Undercover

Chapter 3

I slowly wake up, my head pounding and my vision a messy blur.

I blink many times, trying to focus on the blob in front of me.

"Are you okay?" The unfamiliar voice asks me.

I blink a million more times until everything is finally in focus.

"Yes.... No.... Where am I?" I ask the somewhat fuzzy person in front of me.

"You are at the hospital. It looks like you got drugged." He says, his voice finally clear enough to know it's a boy my age.

"With what?" I ask, trying to sit up in bed, the world spinning a whole lot faster.

"I'm not sure. I'm only a CNA, they just told me that you were drugged." He says, coming over to me and tilting my bed up, and fluffing my pillows, "Better?" He asks, brushing stray hair away from my face.

"Much, thank you." I say, getting a good look at him for the first time.

He's beautiful, his soft blonde hair in a short tidy cut, his blue eyes shining against his green scrubs, his hands as soft as a babies and the freckles on his nose and cheeks so perfect. He is literally perfect, and has sent my heart into a frenzy.

My heart monitor begins to go crazy, my heart rate significantly increasing from his gentle touch.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly, looking at my vital signs.

"Yes." I say a little too quickly, "Yes, I'm fine. I just had to sneeze for a moment but it wouldn't come." I say, trying to think of a logical excuse.

No, I have fallen completely head over heels for you and I don't even think you know it, or even know who you are.

"Here, let me get you a tissue." He says, walking over to a table against the far wall, grabbing a few tissues for me. We walks back and gently hands them to you.

"Thank you." I say, my cold hands touching his warm ones, his warmth shooting up my hand, making my heart jump.

"Your hands are cold, let me get you another blanket." He says, feeling my hands.

"No, I'm fine." I lie, blowing my nose and putting them in the trashcan next to the bed.

He goes to the closet in my room and pulls out a thick, warm blanket, laying it over me, tucking it under my arms.

"Your family and friend will be in to visit you, the doctor has to check on your first." He says, putting a water bottle on the table next to my bed, "And here is the call button of you need anything." He says, moving a remote looking think over by my bed.

"Thank you." I say again, smiling at him.

"You're welcome." He says, his hold quickly shoved into hid pockets as he leaves.

I take a deep breath, trying to make my heart beat normally again.

"Your job is to pump blood and keep me alive. Why did you have to go and do that?" I ask, looking at my heart monitor.


My mother and father come rushing in the room after the doctor leaves, Jay walking in with a teddy bear and some flowers.

"Oh Hope, are you alright?" My mom asks, her arms right around me.

It's a good thing we are already in the hospital because my mom is going to hug me to death.

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