Chapter 7

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Teens Undercover

Chapter 7

The bell rings, signaling the end of school. I pack up my stuff, zip up my back pack and walk to the door.

"Hope, can I talk to you a minute?" My physics teacher, Mrs. Heaton asks.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask, trying to think of what I possibly could've done.

All I did was answer all the questions, I don't understand.

"No, don't worry. I was wondering if you would want to go moved into an AP Physics class. You already seem to know all the material that we are learning and I don't want you to get bored in this class." She says, grabbing a recommendation sheet, "The teacher is Mr. Rollinson. Room 208, just across the hall." She says, filling it out.

"Would you mind giving my a recommendation sheet for all my classes?" I say just as a joke.

"Are your classes that boring?" She asks, handing me that pink piece of paper.

"Yes, I already know all the stuff that I'm learning in math, English is nap time, I can basically build a computer from the up, Mrs. Tanner said that I should be teaching my Government class. All my classes are boring because I already know all of them." I say, sitting down on the table by her desk, "I really should've even be in high school other then the fact that the state says I'm required too."

"What math class are you in?" She asks, grabbing a math recommendation sheet.

"Trigonometry." I say, not know if they offer a higher math class here.

"I'm going to recommend that you be put in Math 10/60. It's a college level so you should be challenged. Who is your English teacher?" She says, handing my a green sheet.

"Mrs. Jordan, I'm in her advanced honors English. I fall asleep in that class, it's so boring." I say, setting down the papers and the books on the table, "Can I text my brother real quick and go take him the keys to my car?" I ask, pulling out my phone when she nods her head.

To: Wilson, Jay

Hey, I'm fixing my classes so I'm going to be a while. Take my car home and I'll just walk. Meet me by the front doors.

"I'm going to go run these to him, I'll be right back." I say, taking off my back pack and pulling out my keys. Running out of her room and to the front doors, "Be safe, I'll see you in a little bit." I say, kissing his cheek and booking it back to Heaton's room.

"What about taking a creative writing class? It's not English, par-say, but it is an English credit." She says, the list of classes pulled up on her computer.

"Writing is not my thing, but I can try it." I say, going down the hall to Mrs. Jordan's room and getting a slip from her, "Where I am radically changing my schedule, should I go talk to the counseling office?" I ask, looking at the stack of growing recommendation slips.

"Yes, you probably should." She laughs, standing up and walking with me to the counseling office.

I go into my counselors office, "I'm here to change my schedule." I say, sitting down in one of the overside chairs.

"And when she means change, she means change." Mrs. Heaton says, giving him my current 5 recommendation slips.

---1 hour and 47 minutes later---

"Well... That was an adventure. I hope this schedule works for you hope because I do not want to go through that again." Mr. Parson says, printing me out my new schedule.

"Thanks, and sorry I kept you so late." I say, "I'll bring you brownies or something to make up for it." I say, shaking his hand and taking my new schedule.

"I am going to hold you to that." He says, turning off his computer.

I walk to the front of the school, snow coming down endlessly. I grab my phone, the battery completely dead, but I pretend to call my mom anyway, "Hey mom, can you come get me. I'm at the school, I had to change my schedule. Okay, see you in a few. Love you." I say to my dark screen.

"Bye Mr. Parson." I say, waving as he leaves.

I wait a little bit until he leaves then I pull on my coat and venture out into the snow.

"Well, this should be fun." I grumble, walking home.

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