Chapter 5

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Teens Undercover

Chapter 5

"Hope! Get up. You're going to be late for school!" My mom yells, going back into the kitchen.

I can honestly say, I never expected those words to come out of my moms mouth.

I drag myself out of bed, trying to find something to wear.

What does a regular teenage girl wear?

I turn and walk out of my closet, grabbing my phone and opening google.

"Are you seriously going to google what a teenage girl wears?" Jay asks, coming in my room.

"Well.... I'm considering it." I say, rolling my eyes at him and then going back into my closet.

Something simple.

I grab a pair of black skinny jeans since the weather outside would permit nothing less and a warm, tan sweater with little black hearts all over it.

I close my closet doors and get changed, coming out, Jay asleep in one of my mushroom chairs.

"C'mon you lazy sack of bones." I say, trying to wake him up, "Jay.... Jay.... Jay.... Jay...." I say, shaking his shoulder.

"Huh?" He asks, looking around.

"You fell asleep." I say, helping him stand up, "You go downstairs to breakfast, I'll be down in a few." I say, helping him down the stairs.

I go into the bathroom across from my room and look in the mirror.

Geez! It's a miracle I didn't crack the mirror.

You know how Ana in Frozen looks when she wakes up, yeah. Times that by like 12 and that's how I look.

"Please don't let me break another hair brush." I say, grabbing it and tackling my hair.


"Here's your lunch and have a good time at school." My mom says, kissing me and Jay on the head.

"You three, let's go!" I say, kissing my moms cheek and waiting for the triplets.

"It's going to be weird having you go to the same school as me." Tylee says, flipping her hair at me.

"I love you too." I say, going out to my car.

"I still can't believe your mom is making us go to school." Jay says, getting in the passengers seat.

"I'm not too happy about it either." I say, starting my car and blasting the heater.


"Hope, you have to go to school." My dad says, shaking his head at me.

"Dad, seriously. I could teach the class, I already technically have my GED. Why do I have to go to high school?" I ask, looking at him from across the counter.

"Because the state says you have too." My mom says, putting a mug of hot coco in front of me.

"But mom..... Please." I whine, sipping it slowly.

"Look, I've tried. I've tried every which way but you have to go." She says, patting my head.

I sigh, rolling my eyes slightly, "Don't expect me to enjoy it." I say, sipping my coco more.

"I think you'll be surprised." My dad says, adding more whip cream to my coco and his.

"How is this even happening? I'm an agent, not a high school student. I'm pretty sure I am going to know everything it is I need to know." I say, leaning against him, putting whip cream on his nose.

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