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I keep my attention on my work as you walk in. "How can I help you?"

"Yeah you can.." I walk over to you and slide the picture across the table. "This is going to sound crazy..but please hear me out." I take a deep breathe. "I know you don't remember, but you're my partner and my best friend." My voice shakes a little. "Your name is Kai Gasts..your dog's name is Sage." I look down at her. "We met because of her." I look down at the floor. "My name is Amelia Koy."

"You're right. That does sound crazy." I chuckle and shake my head. "A lot of people around here know my name. And my dog's." I look up from the automail. "But you do seem familiar so I'll bite. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to fix the mistake I made and get my best friend back." I straighten up. "I can prove that i'm not just another person who knows your name."

"What kind of mistake?" I stand up and walk over to you. "And yeah id like to see some proof or something."

"This is going to sound crazier, but a reverse the past kind of mistake," I bite my lip. "You're an earth alchemist..who's looking for his sister Zoe.."

My eyes widen "okay okay.." I rub the back of my head and bite my lip. "What do you need my help with?

"You believe me?" I say a little shocked. "Oh wow, well I didn't plan this far.." I look down at my feet. "I guess I just need to find General Buque.."

"Who's that?"

"The guy who helped make all this happen.." I frown. "Long story short, You, me, and two other people killed a lot of people so I could take Major Armstrong's place in the military and he wasn't exactly happy about that.. So while fighting over this file he convinced me to drink this weird stuff and bam! This is what happened."

"How did he get you to do that? All those people died for nothing?"

I sigh and nod. "Yeah, I guess they did..but none of them are dead now. When I drank whatever he gave me, it made everything the way it was before we met." I frown. "He got me to sympathize with him pretty much .. And I fell right into the trap."

"I see....well okay let's go to wherever this general guy is and get things back to normal. Everything must be better where your from, right?"

"I don't think it's that simple though..but where i'm from, yeah, things are better."

"Nothing's ever that simple." I walk over to Sage and pat her on the head then grab my hoodie. "Okay, that's good to hear that things are better. Because I need better."

I nod. "The fact that things are better there is what makes me want to push so hard to get it back.." I give a weak smile. "Things weren't perfect, but for the most part everyone was happy."

"That's good. could say your from the future right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So you can tell me, if I find my sister..?"

I frown and look down at my feet. "I don't think I can tell you anything without it altering something else .."

"Oh..." I sigh and open hold the door open for you then lock up the shop.

I walk out and wait for you. "But just remember that things are better in that time, okay?" I try to smile. "So don't worry .. "

"Yeah, okay." We walk to the train station and I buy two tickets to central.

I sit down on the bench while we wait for the train. 'Everything will be okay..' I sigh. 'I really hope so ..'

"So how far into the future are you?"

"About a year or so."

"Hm I wish you could tell me what's happened..." The train comes and we get on.

"A lot of good things, a lot of bad things .." We get to Central a few hours later and we get off the train. "It's not too late, everyone should still be at the office." I look over at you. "You don't have to come in if you don't want to."

"You tell me this now that you dragged me out here with you? Of course I'm coming."

I smile a little. "Alright." We go in and walk into the office. I glance around and knock on the door. "Come in." A more manly voice says. Before I open the door it hits me. "Shit, turn around." I say.

"What? Who is it?" I turn around.

I quickly slap hand cuffs on you and tighten them. "Roy Mustang is in that office.. So just trust me okay."

I stare down at the hand cuffs. "You know a barely trusted you before and now you're doing this?"

"Look, unless you wanna be brought in for all your robberies for real, I insist you learn to have a little faith in me." I say quietly.

I roll my eyes "you state alchemists are all the same. Petty and low." I grunt.

"You're one to talk.." I mumble. I open the door and nudge you inside. Mustang looks up from the papers in his hands and smirks. "Brought in another one, Fullmetal?" I nod and close the door.

"At least I have dignity and tell the truth.." I growl. I glare at mustang. "Oh great, at of all the idiots that you could have brought me too, you bring my to this schmuck?"

I shoot you a dirty look and Mustang just laughs. "You've got quite an attitude don't you?" He stands up and walks over to you. He looks you in the eyes and smirks. "I'd watch it if I were you."

"I got nothin to lose so why would I?" I spit down at his feet.

He grabs you by the collar and slams you into the wall. "You gotta lot more to lose than you think." He growls. "Mustang, that's enough." I glare at him. He lets you go. He sits back down at his desk. "I didn't bring him here for you two to get into it." I glance at the both of you. "Mustang, I know what you did, and what you're doing, so I suggest you listen to everything I have to say and consider it very carefully." He shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "I don't know what you mean, Fullmetal."

"Well this should be good..." I smirk.

"You and I both know you know him for more than just his crimes, Mustang." I give him a cold stare. His eyes widen and starts to get nervous. "Don't make me say it Mustang." He swallows hard. "You have my full attention."

"Is this another future thing that I'm not suppose to know about? I feel some what left out." I whisper to you.

"Yes.." I whisper back. I look back at Mustang. "Where is General Buque right now?"

"He's out on a job right now .."

"What kind of job?"

"A research job.."

"What's he researching?"

He stays quiet for a moment. "I can't tell you that.."

"It wouldn't happen to be research on a little liquid called B3 would it?"

His eyes widen. "H-how do you know about that?"

"I know about a lot of things, Mustang."

"Great. Future stuff." I mutter and pull at the hand cuffs. "You mind as well tell her...she seems pretty determined to find out where this guy is."

He sighs. "He's in Xing.."

I frown. "Great..just great." I take off your hand cuffs and toss them on Mustang's desk. "I'll be in touch." I open the door and walk out.

I flip mustang off then follow you out. "I guess you earned my trust..."

"Really? Good..because i'm really going to need you to trust me when we get to Xing." We get outside and Mustang picks up the phone and looks out the window. The phone rings a few times then someone picks up. "Kimblee..we have a problem."

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