"Where were you?"

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'I wonder if Kai's here...' I follow Ronny into the shelter.

"I'll get you a gas mask, you don't want to get sick." He walks down the long hallway lighted by torches that hang from the ceiling. "Hey Soul, found an old friend." Ronny says to a girl with a gas mask. I look around at the lit up room and get an unsettling feeling. 'They've had to deal with this for five years..' I walk slowly down the hall. Soul looks over at Ronny then at me. She smiles and throws her arms around me. "Emmy! You're okay!" Ronny takes off his jacket and sits down on the couch. "She was just walking around the street, without a gas mask. It was almost like she wanted to get sick." He tells Soul. 

She let's go of me and frowns. "You have to be more careful..." She goes and sits next to Ronny.

I nod. "I'll keep that in mind."

"So, Drachma dropped the nuke on us. Then a hydrogen bomb. Nearly leveled half the country."

My eyes widen. "What the hell!? Why'd they bomb us?"

"Heh, yeah," The General and the other two pissed Hughes off like no other."

"We made a deal with Hughes though.." I rub my temples. "Those damn idiots always find a way to mess things up..."

"You made a deal with him, but because you weren't in charge it's like the deal never happened."

I frown. 'Stepping down was an awful idea..' "Great..well there's no changing that now.." I sit down. "Who's in charge now?"

"Hm...I don't know if this counts as a country anymore, there's nothing left. But if there would be someone in charge, it would be the General."

I nod. "Interesting...okay,"

Soul looks at me. "I'm guessing you want to know about the sickness?"

I smile a little. "Read my mind,"

Ronny coughs and leans back. "Well good luck with that. Even if you do find a cure, more then half of whatever's left of the population is in the last stages and is gonna die soon."

I glance at him. "Well i'm not sick..maybe I could help."

"Amelia...there's no one left to help."

"There's no one left trying." I frown.

Ronny shrugs. "I don't know how you plan on doing this."

"I'll figure something out..." I stand up. "So, what's up with the fire balls?"

"Drachma's new techology."


"What happened to you?"

 I glance at him. "What do you mean?"

 "You just disappeared fiye years ago.."

I rub the back of my neck. "It's not important..I'm here now aren't I?" I try to smile.

"Just wondering where you were when we needed you most."

I bite my lip.  "I'm sorry, okay?"

"Yeah," Ronny stands up and stretches. "Well like you said, it's not important."

Soul looks over at me. "I'm with him on this one.."

I frown and walk toward the door. "I'm going back to the hospital."

Ronny tosses me a gas mask. "You know where we are if you need something."

I slide the mask over my face. "Thanks.." I leave and take my time going back. I look around and take in everything that's around me and try to make sense of it all. 'I could have prevented all of this...' The balls of fire stop falling and the black dots disappear into the sky. Now, the only building that stands is the white hospital. I stand in front of the hospital and hesitate to go in. I force myself to push the door open and go inside. Nothing's changed, the blood stain remains in the same spot as before and the halls are still filled with hard silence. I let out a long sigh and go to the room which I woke up in.

"Well...she's up now. She was the only reason we stuck around here." Ronny tells Soul.

"Do you want to leave then..?" She glares at him.

"Well I don't know what to do." He growls.

She crosses her arms. "Calm down, let's just think," She leans back on the couch. "If we did want to leave, where would we go?"

"Our summer home." He smiles a little.

She nods and smiles. "Alright..how would we get there?"

"Good questiond," Ronny sits back down on the couch. "You should go to the hospital to tell her we're leaving."

Soul nods and slides on a mask. "Alright." She leaves and knocks on the hospital doors. The knock echoes through the hospital. I jump out of bed and walk to the door. I open it up and sustenance rushes over me. "Soul..." She gives a weak smile.

"Hey..I just wanted to let you know that Ronny and I are leaving pretty soon.."

"Oh..." I choke on the thought of being alone. "Where are you guys going?"

"To our summer home.." She smiles.

Ronny packs up and walks over to the hospital. "Ready to go?"

I look over at Ronny and frown. Soul nods. "Yeah, let's go."

"What's your plan, Amelia?"

I think hard for a second. I straighten up and smirk. "To find the General."

Ronny can't help but smirk. "You're gonna need some help."

"Pffft, I'll be fine. You guys have plans anyway." Soul looks back at Ronny. "I think we have new plans now."

"We do technically still work for you."

I smile. "Right then.." I look out at the street. "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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