General Buque

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"And that's the stuff he kept giving you in the future?  Why would anyone want that stuff?"

I nod. "No one voluntarily takes it. No one really has a choice." I put it back in my pocket.

"That's evil." He glances out the window. "You know, from what you told me the future sucks."

"It sucked in the beginning.." I frown. "But things got better."

"Well that is good to hear..."

I nod. "Yeah.." we sit around for a while until eventually we hear footsteps. I look up. "He's here." I whisper.

"Took him long enough..." He mutters and stands up from the chair.

General Buque walks in with his hands folded behind him. I stand up and walk over to him. I stare him dead in the eyes. "Nice to see you General." He speaks calmly. "Yes..nice to see you full metal." I smirk. "I have something you want don't I?"

He nods. "And I have something you want."

"Do you now?"

He smirks. "I've got his memories." He glances at you.

My eyes widen. "How do you still have yours?"

He gets an uneasy feeling as the General walks into the room. He leans against the wall with his arms crossed. "What memories?"

"The memories you lost when I screwed up everything.." I glare at the general. "Did you really think I'd let myself forget all that?" He chuckles. I cringe a little. "Give him his memories Buque."

"Well if you want those papers," He gestures to the files labeled B3 in my hand.  "Then you're gonna have to give Amelia what she wants."

He glares at you. "It's funny." He begins. "If you knew what the future held you wouldn't want your memories back."

"Shut up!" I snap.

"Why!" He snaps back. "You don't want him to know the truth?"

"I've told him the truth!"

"Then why are you lying to him now?"

"I'm not!"

"What's he talking about?" He frowns.

"Nothing,don't listen to him. He's just trying to get to you.'

"Am I?" He smirks. "How do you even know if i'm the bad guy or not? who says you can trust her?'

He balls up his fists. "Just shut up! God, can't one thing be simple? Just give Amelia what she wants!"

He shrugs. "Fine, have it your way." he faces me. "His memories in exchange for the B3." 

I hesitate then nod slightly. "Right." I take out the needle. He takes out a vile from his coat. 

"Set it down on the ground."

He sighs and sets it down. I lean over and pick it up. 'Your turn." he says.

I nod and walk closer to him. "One thing first.."

"What is it?"

"You should know by now that I always get my way," I stab the needle into his arm and inject the fluid. "And I want you gone." He drops to the floor and grabs his arm.

"W-what was in that?!" He yells in pain.

I smirk. "My modified version of B3."

"I thought you just wanted to go back to your own time? What are you doing?!"

"I do! but he's the reason I have to go back in the first place!"

"Actually, you are.." He mumbles.

"Shut up or i'll hit you with something stronger!"

 He looks the General. "How are you planning on sending Amelia back?"

He coughs a little and stands up. "The same way I sent her the first time."

"So just give her the vile then." He orders.

He tosses me the vile and i examine it carefully. I take a deep breathe. "See you at home, Kai." I uncap the vile and drink the liquid. 

He  smiles and looks down at the ground. "See ya..."

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