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The next morning I wake up early. Get up and pour some food into a dog bowl and pat Sage on the head. "I'll see ya in a bit." I walk down stairs and pick up a few things, then toss some more stuff into my backpack.

I roll out of bed and quickly throw some stuff into a bag. I throw on clothes and slide on my shoes. Winry pokes her head out from the stairs. "Where are you going now?" She yawns. I hesitate to answer. "I'm going to Xing to visit a friend..i'll be back in a few days."

"Xing!? What the hell Amelia?"

I shrug and throw my bag over my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"What if that guy comes back?"

"I left a gun in your closet with more than enough ammo, you'll be okay." She sighs and walks down the stairs. "Be careful, okay?" She says. I nod silently. "Winry..?"


I run over to her and embrace her. "I love you."

She awkwardly wraps her arms around me. "I love you too.." I let go and quickly leave.

I lock up the shop and sit down next to the door. "Today is going to suck. I already have a bad feeling about it."

I shove my hands in my pockets and walk to the shop. I see you sitting outside and I walk over to you. "Ready?"

"Yep yep." I stand up and look at you a little strange.

"What?" I say starting to walk.

"What happened to your shoulder?"

I look down at it. "Uh, nothing, don't worry." I keep walking.

"Your posture is different so something happened."

"How can you tell?" I stop walking and look at you. "It doesn't matter anyway."

"You should push down on the pressure points on your shoulder. It'll hurt less." I say.

I stay quiet for a second. "Alright..thanks." We get to the airport and I stay quiet the whole time.

We board the plane and prepare to take off. "Oh my goodness" I pull my hood over my eyes and slouch down in my seat.

I glance at you and smile a little. "It'll be over before you know it." The plane takes off and the flight attendants pass out snacks.

'Why did I agree to do this...?' I tighten my grip on the arm rests.

"So what are you gonna do once you find this general guy?"

"I'm gonna make him give me something to fix all this .. " I sigh. "But I know I can't just march in there and get what I want.."

"I guess you'll think of something...I've got time to think about it."

"Yeah..hopefully I'll figure something out.." One of the attendants hands us water bottles and I uncap it and down the whole thing. I take a deep breathe and without noticing, my iris turns slightly gold.

I take a shot of my inhaler and slouch down even more in my seat. 'Only a few more hours...'

I sigh and close my eyes. "Yeah, just a few more.." I fall asleep.


I'm sitting in a small court room. Kimblee's the judge, Roy is the bailiff and Oliver and Alex Armstong, Scar, And many more of my enemies sit in the jury stands. I look next to me and lawyer is Kai. "All rise." Mustang orders. We all stand and Kimble looks me dead in the eyes. "Miss Koy you are being charged with the crime of letting everyone you care about down, how do you plead?" I hang my head in shame. "Guilty.." Everyone sits down. I look over at you. "How am are we going to fix this?" I whisper. Kai shrugs. "What do you mean 'we?' You're on your own." He disappears. Kimblee slams his gavial on his stand. "Miss Koy, you are here now found guilty and are being sentenced to a life time of misery and regret by keeping your memories and being sent back to your old life."

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