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"Oh boy...planes. We're gonna have to use one to get to Xing. That's gonna be fun." I rub the back of my head and sigh "I never thought id be friends with a state alchemist..."

"We weren't exactly friends at first.." I smile a little. "But yeah, I thought it was unlikely too."

"What is it?" Kimblee asks.

"That Fullmetal girl..she came in with that girl's brother..she knows."

There's a brief pause.

"I'll take care of it."

"We aren't shitty friends are we? Cause if I'm mean to you...I'm sorry."

"No not at all, we're great least, I like to think we are." We walk get back to your shop and the sun starts to set. "Look, I know you said you trust me, but I just want to make sure you're okay with all this.. Cause, if you want to back out or anything I totally understand.." I look down at the sidewalk.

"Of course I'm gonna help you. It seems to me the your pissing off some people in the military and I wanna piece of that. And if we are future friends then friends help each other out."

I smile and nod. "Right, well I managed to piss pretty much the entire military off in the future." I laugh a little. "Thank you.." I turn and start walking home. "We leave for Xing in the morning so be ready!" I call out.

"I will be." I reply and walk into my shop.

I get back home and toss my bag on the floor. "I'm home!" I call out to Winry. "Uh, Amelia, can you come in here please?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I freeze as I walk into the room. There stands Kimblee, Winry in his arm and a gun to her head. He smirks. "Hello, Amelia. Nice to meet you."

Sage barks and runs up the stairs. I shove something's into a backpack and sit on my bed. 'Im going to another country tomorrow with someone I just met today...."

"Yeah..nice to meet you.." I try to stay calm, but I start to lose my cool as I look into Winry's eyes and see the fear overwhelm them. "You know a lot of things you should Miss Koy.." He cocks the gun and the click echoes through the house. Winry's trembling becomes more intense. "What do you want from me..?" I watch the gun carefully. "I want you to disappear."

I glance at him. "I can't do that."

"Then i'll do it for you." He quickly points the gun at me and pulls the trigger.

Sage whines and jumps up onto my bed. "What's got you upset?" I look down at her and roll my eyes.

I drop to the ground and look at my shoulder. Blood pours out and Winry screams and runs to my side. Kimblee comes over and rips Winry away from me. He kicks me over and digs his foot into my shoulder. I yell in pain and he smirks. "You should have done as I asked."

I put Sage in the hood of my jacket and walk down stairs. The I leave the shop and go in a bar. Outside there is a man passed out with a bottle in his hand. I sit down next to him and take his wallet out of his pocket. "I think you had one too many buddy." I take out some money out of his wallet and slip it back in his pocket. Then I take the bottle out of his hands and pour the beer out on the ground.

He presses down harder on my shoulder and I hear it start to crack. My vision starts to get blurred and I start to feel dizzy. Winry quickly jumps in and hits Kimblee over the head with a frying pan. He falls over and passes out on the floor. She breathes heavily and looks down at me. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

I stand up and walk back to the shop. I set Sage down and put the money I took in a box on of the shelfs in my shop. "It's getting late. Should probably get to bed." I go upstairs and lay down on my bed.

Winry helps me up and she sets me down in a chair. She gets the first aid kit and takes the bullet out. "Who is he..?" She says looking down at Kimblee. "Solf J. Kimblee.." I sigh. "The Crimson Alchemist." She frowns. "What does he want with you?" I ignore her question. "Let's get him out of here."

"I still can't believe that I become best friends with a state alchemist..." Sage hops up on my bed and falls asleep.

We pick up Kimblee and take him outside. We drag him around back and toss him over the fence. We quickly go back inside and go up to our rooms without another word. I lay down and stare out the window at the sky. I frown and fall asleep.

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