Chapter 2

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Stark and Clegane

Chapter 2


I sat beside Bran on the opposite side of my mother, we had always told the boy never to climb the towers! I had heard the door open and looked over as Cersei walked in. My mother stood but Cersei shook her head.

"I would've dressed, your grace" She said and slowly sat back down

"This is your home, I am your guest" Cersei responded "Handsome one isn't he" She said, I looked over at my younger brother. "I lost my first boy" That caused me to look over at her, this was unknown to me. "Little black haired beauty, he was a fighter too; tried to beat the fever that took him, forgive me." She said, I couldn't tell if she was actually getting upset or just acting. "That's the last thing you two need to hear right now" She said and looked at me

"I never knew" My mother told Cersei, Cersei looked back at my mother.

"It was years ago, Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall, all the things men do to show you how much they care." I looked down for a second and then stood

"If you'll excuse me" I said quietly, my mother looked at me confused and I gave Cersei a small bow. I walked out and ran a hand through my slightly tangled blonde hair, I turned the corner hastily and instantly bumped into someone. The person grabbed my arms and steadied me.

"Excuse me my lady" The voice said, I looked up and saw that it was Jaime Lannister, he was quite handsome and the grip that he had on my arms were strong.

"It's quite alright" I said and took a step back, his eyes quickly scanned me but then he looked back up at my face. "How're you enjoying your stay?" I questioned

"It's different from King's Landing, clearly." He said and I raised my eyebrow a little "But it's wonderful" I nodded at him and then looked down, this is awkward. "Do you fight my lady?" He questioned, slightly odd question but I didn't care.

"Yes, I was trained at a young age" I told him, I knew of his reputation, Kingslayer, Lion of the Lannisters and others.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your brother" He said, it was odd that he had suddenly changed the subject.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you" I said, he gave me a nod and I saw Jon not to far away "If you'll excuse me, my brother needs my help" I said gesturing to Jon, he looked back and the back at me.

"I hope to see you again" With that he walked away, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and then walked towards Jon.


Jon and I walked into Bran's room where mother still sat. When we walked in she glared at Jon, I glared at her and she looked away. 

"I came to say goodbye" Jon told her, he glanced back at me and I signaled for him to walk forward.

"You've said it" She said not looking the us

"Mother!" I scolded but she took no notice, Jon ignored her and walked to Bran's side. She finally looked up from what she was doing.

"I wish I could be here when you wake up" He began, I bit the inside of my cheek and soon tasted the blood. "I'm going north with uncle Benjen, I'm taking the black" I looked over at my mothers who's eyes were glossed over with tears. Jon knelt beside my brother "I know we always talked about seeing the wall together, but you'll be able to come visit me at castle black when you're better." I felt my eyes brimming with tears as I watched him "I'll know my way around by then, I'll be a sworn brother of the night's watchs. We can go out and walk along the wall if you're not afraid" He told him, I looked down as a tear fell from my cheek and onto the floor. Someone walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw it was my father. Jon looked over at mother as tears fell down her face.

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