Chapter 4

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Stark and Clegane

Chapter 4

Johanna's POV

I didn't even try to be sneaky while I was leaving the room. I turned the corner and walked down the stairs but stopped when I saw Jaime. He hadn't even heard me, he stood near King Robert's door in his armor, a look on his face which I couldn't identify. King Robert had whore's in his room, that's for sure. Jaime finally looked up and was surprised once he saw me.

"I'm sorry I did-"

"There is no need to apologize, you have not wronged me." He told me, I gave him a small smile and nodded. I walked down the remainder of the steps and stood in front of him, not to close but not to far. "Do you hear them?" He questioned referring to the whores, I gave him a small nod "How many do you think are in there with him?" He questioned, he moved a little ways away from the door and took a step closer to me.

"I don't even want to know" I replied glancing over at the door and then back at Jaime.

"He likes to do this while I'm on duty, makes me listen as he insults my sister." He told me just as a whore opened the door and quickly walked past us.

"I'm sorry" He shook his head and looked down for a second before looking back up at me.

"I don't mean to sound rude but I didn't see you leave Winterfell, when did you arrive?" He questioned me, he was a Lannister,one of the people my mother warned me of.

"I actually just arrived today" I told him truthfully, he nodded and two more whores ran out; they didn't close the door so Jaime quickly shut it as the king shouted something.

"Have you ever been here before? The capital?" He questioned me as he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"I've never left Winterfell, this is my first time" I told him

"What a wonderful first place to visit then" He said and I chuckled, I was not used to Kings Landing and I don't think I would be. Winterfell was my home and always would be my home.

"It is wonderful, I love seeing the ocean" I told him, he glanced back at the door and then back at me.

"Can I show you something?" He questioned, I hesitated for a second but nodded, he grinned and grabbed my hand. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as he pulled me to the back of the castle, he let go as we saw people. We stopped at a little ledge which overlooked the water and I gasped. It was gorgeous. The overlook was hidden by hedges but there was still chairs, a table, and a little tent to keep the sun away.

"It's beautiful" I said as I watched the waves hit the rocks below.

"I used to come here a lot, just to get away." He told me as he leaned against the overlook "You're the only person besides me who knows of it." I looked over at him and he gave me a small smile which I returned.


"Father" I said as I knocked on his door, mother was inside talking to him and both of them looked over at me.

"Johanna!" He said walking over to me and giving me a hug, I laughed. "I was wondering when I would see you, your mother told me you were here."

"I was busy" I told him, my mother raised an eyebrow but I just ignored her.

"Your mother told me of the blade"

"I don't think Tyrion had anything to do with it" I told them, they both looked at me as if I were crazy. Tyrion of all people would probably be last on my list, he was but an Imp picked on by his family, what would make him do this?

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