Chapter 3

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Stark and Clegane

Chapter 3

 Arryn's POV

 I stood there and watched Johanna hug her dear brother Robb, she hugged him so tight that I could see her fingers whitening. All for good reason, she was leaving for Kings Landing with her mother. Two nights before a man tried to kill Bran as he laid defenseless in his bed, but Catelyn Stark was able to fight him off and the Direwolf was able to sink his teeth into his neck.

 With the man was a blade, a blade that I recognized as Lord Tyrion's which struck me as odd since I knew he lost it in a gamble. I knew that the Lannisters had something to do with the crime, but I knew it was not Tyrion. Tyrion was not one to harm anyone especially a child, so it all made no sense to me.

"Arryn." Johanna called. I walked over to her and Robb feeling uneasy once again his presence.

"My Lady?" I said looking up at her on the horse.

"Are you sure you do not want to accompany me to Kings Landing? I know your brother will marvel knowing you are back." Johanna said.

"After all the begging I had to do to stay In Winterfell, No thank you My Lady Johanna. Here take this with you." I said retrieving my dragon boned Dagger. It was another memento that I had taken from a kill, a young Lord who thought I would not fight back if he tried to rape me. Of course once I drove my blade deep into his throat he knew that was not the case.

 "I cannot take this Arryn." Johanna said looking to Robb, who looked away.

"Take it My lady, I am far more better with this bow." I said smirking.

"I shall return it to you, I promise." Johanna said.

"Keep it My lady, as a gift." I said turning away and walking back over towards the stables to continue my chores. I stayed behind as a hired hand, honest wages for honest work. That was the only way I could convince my brother to let me stay behind without him. Of course what he did not know would not hurt him.

It had been so long since my fingers and face were stained with blood. I was starting to miss it, something I thought would never happen. Even though Sandor tired to raise me the best he could, I did not deny that part of me was like Gregor. I had a blood lust that I could not contain and Sandor knew this. I feared that was why he watched me so, fearing that I would take the life someone who didn't deserve it.

 Every life I took was a life that deserved death, they were men and women that wronged me in ways I could not forgive. Johanna her mother and Rodrick left for Kings landing leaving Robb Lord Of Winterfell. I was shoving horse manure when I felt someone watching me, and once again the uneasy feeling crept over me. I turned to see Robb standing there a smile going halfway around his face.

"My Lord." I said stopping what I was doing.

"I think the other stable boys can handle that, come I want you to meet someone." He said extending his hand.

"Where are we going My Lord." I said placing the shovel aside and wiping my hands on my breeches. Robb made a face, that made my cheeks grow hot and reminded me that I did not have the proper upbringing he did. "Forgive me My Lord." I said turning my face from his. He walked over and pulled a rag from his pocket and dipped it into the water bucket.

 He dabbed the wet cloth on my face, no doubt wiping away the dirt and mud that was clinging to it. "No need for forgiveness." He said softy. I stepped back as his face started to move closer to mine, I knew he would not harm me but the fear was still there.

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