Chapter 6

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Stark and Clegane

Chapter 6

Johanna's POV

I walked into my fathers room, he laid on the bed, a bandage around his damaged knee. He was sweating and when I walked in he slowly looked over at me.

"How are you feeling?" I questioned as I sat in the chair beside his bed, he looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"You should've gone inside" He said and closed his eyes

"Why? He would've killed you where you stood." I told him "Who would've been there to take you to the healers?" 

"Peytr" He said simply and I rolled my eyes, I stood from the chair and was about to walk away until he grabbed my hand. "If something happ-"

"Nothing will happen" I said and squeezed his hand, he looked at me fore a second before letting go. I walked out and saw that Cersei and King Robert were walking towards me. I bowed my head as I walked past them. I made my way through the halls and saw Arryn standing up against the wall. "How is your wound?" I asked and she looked up

"It's fine" She said and I gave her a small nod, I took a few steps before looking back at her.

"Robb is a lucky man" She looked at me a second, slightly surprised. I gave her another nod and walked away to my room. The sun was setting and I walked out to the balcony. I sighed as a gust of wind blew by, I hope Bran had woken up.


I mounted my horse, should I really do this? I had gotten the idea of following Jaime, he would be gone by now but perhaps I could somehow pick up his trail. 

"My lady, shall I have someone escort you to wherever you're going?" A guard questioned as he held onto the reigns. I shook my head and he let go, I instantly kicked my horse and we were off. I knew where Jaime was headed but kind of didn't know how the hell to get there. Luckily, horse tracks went on for miles and other stuff...

The sun begin setting and the scenery was a bit eerie. I dismounted my horse and looked around, should I camp here? I grasped the hilt of my sword as I heard twigs snapping, I had been riding all day and all I want is a break. I turned around quickly unsheathing my sword, my cloak danced around me and I came face to face with Jaime Lannister.

"Johanna?" He questioned surprised "Did you follow me?" I gave him a meek nod and he looked a bit impressed.

"What're you doing out here anyway?" I questioned and he looked around

"I was clearing my thoughts, the camp is not to far from here." He told me, the sun was just over the horizon and I averted my gaze from Jaime's face to the scene. "Why did you follow me anyway?" He asked "Not that I'm mad or anything, just curious" He added quickly causing me to give a small chuckle.

"I had grown a bit tired of the city and wanted to be out on the battlefield." I told him and he gave me a small smile. 

"Come, let's get back to camp" I nodded and walked, I felt him place his hand on the small of my back and I blushed.


Jaime walked out of the tent where him and his father were talking, a look on his face in which he looked slightly upset.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned him as we began to walk

"Yes, he's just being a bit stubborn." He chuckled and I gave him a nod "Did you see your father before you left?"

"Yes, he's getting better" I told him as we stopped before his tent

"I should get someone to set up your tent, unless you'd rather stay with me." A small smirk played at his lips and I blushed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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