Mermaid Cove

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It was summertime and the temperature was a scorching 110. The only place of cool relief was the pool. Three girls swam from end to end and side to side with fast precision. They were so good in the water it seemed they were meant to be there always. The eldest girl was pale as the moon. She had blue eyes and curly deep brown hair, and her name was Jadeis. The next eldest had tan skin with golden brown eyes and light brown hair. She was Aria. Aria and Jadeis were close, almost like sisters. The youngest was Aria's sister with light tan skin dark blonde hair and deep brown eyes named Tael. Aria called to the other two MERMAID COVE! Jadeis and Tael swam to the cove to meet Aria. Mermaid Cove was a ledge with a waterfall streaming high over head. The girls used the cove as a meeting spot to talk about Mermaid Code and take a break. Jadeis why don't we control dive and then side lunge? said Aria. Hmm great idea Ari! said Jadeis. The girls did the maneuvers Aria suggested flawlessly. Tael left the pool after the cool down swim, but Aria and Jadeis stayed. They were lounging in their cove when a crackling filled the air and water. The two girls were the only ones outside they noticed. What is going on?! cried Jadeis and Aria together. They leapt together and entwined arms. The myserious crackling stopped and the girls were glad. Tael came out then and jumped in the crystal waters. Tael did you hear or feel that? asked Jadeis and Aria. What? No I didn't hear anything or feel anything. Jadeis and Aria turned to each other and exchanged looks of worry. Jadeis decided to push it off and keep the girls relaxed.

That night the heat was at a bearable level and the girls were all gosipping in Aria and Tael's room. They talked about boys and swimming and told many jokes. The three of them went to sleep later that night and the two eldest had vivid dreams of themselves in the water and being able to breathe like mermaids.......


The girls all woke up and instantly Aria and Jadeis started talking excitedly about the dream they similarly both had. Tael felt pushed out of the group, like she was missing something she should have been included in. Let's go SWIMMING!!! screeched Tael. Sure I'm up for it said both Aria and Jadeis. Ten minutes later after breakfast they were in the water at Mermaid Cove. Aria and Jadeis were swimming together as usual and Tael was swimming in the shallow end. That's when something amazing and wonderful happened to Jadeis and Aria. Jadeis and Aria were at the very end of the deep end just near the cove. Ari why don't we jump in and do the glass bubble? asked Jadeis. Oh yeah! cried Aria . Let's do it, I love the glass bubble! Ari and Jade got out of the water and together hand in hand the jumped back in the water for glass bubble, then the girls were both sitting on the bottom pool floor grinning from ear to ear and laughing hysterically.  That is when they noticed that they were breathing under the water!

Ohhhhh whoah!!!!! Yelled Jadeis and Aria together still underwater. We can BREATHE underwater! This is crazy and amazing spouted Jadeis. I know it's the coolest thing ever Jade, but how?- I dunno how or why or when or even who Ari, but it's a great thing.....a gift really! What do we do first? asked Jadeis. Swim of course! Aria yipped. We can swim without having to take air.  I know Ari, but what if someone notices, like Tael? Just then on the surface of the water at the shallow end...Jadeis, Aria please come back up I want to swim with you guys cried Tael. The two elder girls heard her cry and immediately swam to her.

Tael? What's the matter? said Jadeis. Come swim with us said Aria.

You were both underwater so long and it was scary. I thought you were playing mean games and leaving me out, but then...Noo no it was just a um contest! said Jadeis. A contest? asked Tael. Yes to see who could stay underwater the longest. Why don't we all take a break from swimming yeah? Ok said the other two. The three of them agreed to take a swim brake and play some games even though Jadeis and Aria were both itching to get back underwater where they belonged so they could do some more research on their new gift.

A little while later...

The girls went inside and Jadeis made them all lunch. Aria and Tael thanked her and they all went back outside and decided to lay on the grass in the sun for a long while.

Jadeis got up from her spot in the grass, as she did this Aria followed her towards the pool. The want and need for a return to the water was getting stronger by the minute. Hey guys! What Tael? Where are you going? The pool T. Wanna come? No thanks, I'm going in for a little bit. Ok then see ya. said the two eldest girls as they dived beneath the cool layers of water. This is the best!!! exclaimed Aria. I know Ari, I prefer being underwater. I can just glide in the coolness all day! The girls swam slowly to the bottom of the pool at the deep end and layed out like they had on the grass. They were shoulder to shoulder and started laughing as they comically waved to one another. This was the best thing ever to them, getting the chance to hang out and be underwater. It was like they were meant for the water.

Aria? Yeah Jadeis? Why do you think this didn't effect Tael? and why did it affect us? I really don't know. I still think it's cool and that we get to share this secret. Me too Jade. The girls looked up at the sky with fluffy white clouds and a perfect summer blue color and relaxed. Even under six feet of water they could still feel the warmth of the sun. Right here and right now it was perfect for them. The way the water and sun felt on their skin was amazing, in fact it was so nice that they fell into a peaceful slumber at the bottom of the pool...


The sky was dark purple-blue with a bright full moon looming over everything. Even though it was night the moon cast a beautiful blue-white light. Everything, even some shadows were bathed in the pure light. Jadeis and Aria awoke together at the bottom of the pool's deep end. They looked up to the sky expecting the sun to still be shining, but it was no longer there. Their expressions changed from delight to utter confusion.  Dark? No this can't be! Cried out Jadeis. Aria stammered w-ww-what happened? It is a beautiful sight under water, the night exclaimed Jadeis. We fell asleep said both girls astonished.  Of course we did Ari, it was so peaceful and quiet. Dammit we have to go see if Tael is awake and why she didn't wake us up! So out of the pool the two eldest did go to dry off and find the youngest. After all their parents were away for a vacation and Jadeis being the only adult was the one in charge.

So the girls ran into the house to see where Tael was. The light was on in the kitchen and everything was silent. Upstairs said Aria. So up the stairs they went right to Tael and Aria's room which was the first door on the right. They burst in to see Tael on her bed perfectly safe and asleep. Oh thank god! said both Jadeis and Aria. Tael woke up and said what are you guys doing? Um, I'm going to make dinner now, so time to get up said Jadeis as she left the girls room. Jadeis cooked dinner and all three girls ate together in the living room while watching tv. This was so totally normal, but Jadeis and Aria weren't craving normal, they were craving their new Mermaid powers, even though they wished that Tael could be a part of it. Who knows? maybe it's just a matter of time before Tael will join them and finally gain some powers...

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