Swimming in the colors

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The girls were enjoying swimming in the pool. It was a hot day and nothing could keep them away from the pool. Jadeis why don't we go do the underwater slide? asked Tael. Sure said Jadeis as she and Tael and Aria went about the maneuver of a whole body slide at the bottom of the shallow end. That was kinda fun said Jadeis. Jade why don't we go back to Oceanside tomorrow? asked Aria. I dunno Ari, we did just go there and it's kind of a long drive. said Jadeis. No I wasn't thinking about driving there, I was thinking of swimming there. I want to go swim in the ocean again. Oh well then why don't we just go to the beach? said Jadeis. Ok let's go to the beach tomorrow then. So they were planning another visit to the ocean that would also become a treasure hunt. There are few things Mermaids love more than to swim in the ocean and go treasure hunting.

The next day at the beach:

The girls spent the whole day there, most of it was in the water. Aria and Jadeis had found a nice flat rock to tan on so all three girls spent some time tanning there.

That night still at the beach:

The girls had yet to leave, but they were so content and comfortable that they weren't ready to go. As they lounged on the still warm rock Tael dove into the waves and Aria and Jadeis decided to follow her. When they were all together swimming a brilliant light flooded the ocean. it was a gorgeous sight. The light was white, but then it started to change colors. It changed to blue, purple, green, pink, and red. Wow what beautiful colors said Tael. Look at the way the ocean looks with the different colors said Jadeis and Aria together excitedly. Let's swim in the colors said Jadeis. So the girls swam in the colors with a full moon and bright stars over head.

The next morning:

The girls were still at the beach. They had slept at the bottom of the ocean together. The sun loomed high up above looking lovely as usual. They had such a good time that they couldn't bother going home that night. Great night said Aria and Jadeis. Yea it was, especially swimming in the colors said Tael. Jadeis chuckled and said that was the best. After another hour it was time to go. The girls were staring to get hungry.

At home:

After a huge meal the girls felt lazy and decided to lounge on the couch for a while and read. Jadeis was reading a book called Tea and Poison, it was a murder mystery. Aria was reading Save Me! a summertime love story. Tael was reading A light in the dark about people living in a lighthouse that go missing. The girls enjoyed their read for a good long time until there was a knock at the door. Who could that be grumbled Jadeis who was not too happy to be distracted from her book. Jadeis and the girls went to the door to see who it was. Jadeis opened the door to find a large manilla envelope. Who's this from said Jadeis. What is it Jade? asked Aria and Tael. I dunno guys, but I do know that it's addressed to me. Open it Jade said Aria. Yeah let's see what it is. said Tael. So Jadeis opened it an inside was a check for 50,000000 dollars. This can't be real! said Jadeis who was shocked. What is it Jade said Tael. Show us Jade said Aria. So Jadeis showed them the check. Wow said Aria as Tael stayed silent. There's a note too said Jadeis. It read:

Dear Jadeis,

My name is Autumn Lange. I am Rose Whitehall's attorney and Mrs. Whitehall has left you 50,000000 dollars in her will. She has left her house in Oceanside to you as well. I am sorry for your loss I understand that you were Mrs. Whitehall's favorite chef. Please come to my office as soon as possible. The address is 32416 Forest drive Oceanside CA

Thank you.

Autumn Lange

Oh this is terrible said Jadeis. What happened asked the girls. My favorite client died. What was her name said Tael. How sad said Aria. Her name was Rose Whitehall, and she was the nicest lady you could ever meet. She preferred me too cook her meals because she trusted I wouldn't burn or undercook it and I made stuff she liked. The weird part is she left me money and her house in Oceanside. Wow she really did like you! said Aria. I have to go talk to her attorney tomorrow in Oceanside. Okay said the girls.

The next morning:

The girls were half way to Oceanside. The ride had been quiet and even though it was summer it was raining heavily.

At the attorney's office:

The girls strode into Mrs. Whitehall's attorney's office to get this sad and dreaded meeting over with. Hello you must be Jadeis said the attorney. Yes I am hello. So the girls sat down with Autumn. Mrs. Whitehall has left everything to you Jadeis. As I'm sure you know she has no living relatives and she favored you. said Autumn. Yes she was a lovely lady, I'm so sad to hear that she's gone. Said Jadeis. I can understand that. Loss of someone you knew is never easy. Thank you Autumn.

All the sad business was now done and now Jadeis was a rich woman. Girls I want to go to her house. Ok said Aria and Tael. When they arrived to the late Mrs. Whitehall's house the girls gasped. it was a Victorian two story with a large garden in the front and beach access in the back. Mrs. Whitehall even owned the beach behind the house. It's a beautiful house isn't it girls? said Jadeis. Yes it really is said Tael and Aria. Let's go in we are spending the night.

A while later the girls had toured the whole house with Jadeis and they loved it. The back of the house was a modern add on and it contained a large modern kitchen and living room with a glass wall that would slide all the way open. The view of the pure ocean was unobstructed and anywhere you sat you could hear the waves crash and smell the sea. I wish I could live here said Aria. Yeah me too said Tael dreamily.

The girls went back home the next day after a few hours of treasure hunting at the bottom of the private beach, it was the only time since they had arrived in Oceanview that Jadeis was happy. She was silent for the entire ride home until a song she and the girls liked came on the radio. Turn it up Ari! Said Jadeis as they all started singing along. Jadeis smiled and relaxed into her normal happy self. Once the song ended Jadeis pulled the car over and got out. The girls did the same. Jadeis ran down a path leading to a beach and the girls happily followed. They guessed that the water's pull on Jadeis was just too strong to ignore right now. The girls didn't get back home until 3:00 AM. The ocean has a hold on each of them, but they love it and feel so happy when they can connect to their Mermaid selves as a small pack. When they got home they were so exhilarated from the ocean that sleep was not going to happen. Let's hit the pool said Aria. No not after being in that cathartic ocean. Get in the car Jadeis said to Aria and Teal while she smiled at them. Ok Jade said Teal. Sure thing said Aria. Jadeis drove while the girls excitement was building. The had just reached the local beach and were making their way to the water when they saw something shinning at the bottom. What's that? asked Aria and Tael. I have no idea said Jadeis. Let's find out.

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