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Jadeis Aria and Tael had just shifted their legs to tails. Let's go see what that is said Jadeis. Yeah said Tael. I'm curious about this said Aria. So together the Mermaids swam to the golden light to get a better glimpse. Oh what is this asked the girls in their silent communication. Jadeis stated that she would investigate the golden light. Okay Jade said Aria and Tael together. As Jadeis swam closer to the mysterious golden light she saw what it really was. Three golden headbands with opalescent gems on each one. They were Mermaid made and were beautiful. Jadeis grabbed them and noticed their names were engraved on the inside. Who could have made these Jadeis silently thought. Jadeis returned to the girls and showed them their names. Wow these are ours! Said Aria as she put hers on. Cool said Tael as she put hers on. Jadeis was the last to put hers on. We look great Jadeis said Tael. I just wonder why? and who? I dunno said Aria.

The girls decided that they wanted to wear their newest accessory while treasure hunting. After a couple hours the girls decided to lay out on the flat rock and watch the sun rise. There was no sound except for the crashing waves around them. It's so perfect out said Aria. Yeah it is said Jadeis. Tael fell asleep right after the sunrise. Aria and Jadeis talked for a while. Do we have to go home Jade? Yeah we need to soon, but I just don't want to at all said Jadeis with a bright smile. Yay said Aria. So Jadeis and Aria slept too.

After everyone woke up Jadeis decided it was time to go get some food. The girls shifted their legs back and drove to the local fast food chain and ordered. They drove right back to the beach. Jadeis and the girls shifted to tails and swam out to their rock with their food over the water. They dove back in the water after a short tan session after eating. This morning the water was extra cold which made it even better. The girls spent the rest of the time at the beach having fun. Once it was nighttime again Jadeis decided that they could no longer stay. But Jade the ocean is what we Mermaids were meant for! Cried Aria as she swam away. Don't you feel the pull too asked Tael. Of course I do, but I have to try and keep us at home somewhat. Besides we can't live at the beach no matter how enjoyable it is for us. Yes we can! Exclaimed Tael. Jadeis we are a pack of Mermaids. The ocean is our true home and that's why we feel the pull and you know it.

Jadeis did know it. She could never deny the pull. Tael had leapt into the water and had been gone from Jadeis' sight like Aria for some time. Jadeis wasn't worried about them though. They were Mermaids after all. Jadeis sensed where they were and decided to go after them.

After a super fast swim she caught up to them. Aria and Tael had gotten so far out that they were in a treasure trove. This part of the ocean was pure and untouched by humans so the three girls enjoyed treasure hunting and swimming races. So girls I have an idea and I want your opinions. Ok said Aria. I know how much being in the vast open ocean exploring means to us so I decided that we should live here. Of course I mean live near our rock. Yay! Said Teal. Sweet said Aria. So from now on we eat like real Mermaids. What do real Mermaids eat? Asked Tael and Aria. We eat kelp.

So the girls found a nice big patch of kelp. They grabbed several pieces and Jadeis picked a nice spot to eat. This is actually good. Aria said with a puzzled expression. Jadeis smiled at her pack and for the first time she wasn't worried about anything. The girls were tired after that and fell asleep shoulder to shoulder at the end of the kelp patch.

The girls woke up the next morning and Jadeis declared adventure was in order for the day, so they ate and brushed their luxurious hair while chatting about what they hoped the day would bring. Aria you will never guess what I learned about our special Mermaid book. What? It's waterproof, so I was thinking we need to find a safe spot for it and other sacred items like our lockets. Plus plenty of paper and a pen quipped Aria. Yes those too. It is our story after all. So Jadeis brought the book and the other items from her car to their rock and opened it to the second page. A second picture of the girls was there now. It was one of them tanning on their rock. Ah cool I love this book! Said Jadeis. Us too stated Tael. Jadeis used the lockets to open the secret wish compartment and wrote a wish then she placed it in the spot. Aria and Tael did the same thing. Jadeis closed the secret section and placed the lockets and the other items in a chest she would use for all of their precious things. Let's find a safe place for this. Ok Jade said the girls as they searched rest of the beach.

Jadeis wished for: More pack quality time

Aria wished for: More Mermaids

Tael wished for: More adventures

Finally Jadeis had found the perfect safe spot for their sacred chest. There were large waterfalls that poured into the beach and each one concealed a large cave. She called the girls to her and they loved the idea. They stowed it away and Aria declared that it was lunchtime and she was starving. So the girls swam to their kelp patch to eat lunch. After lunch the girls were chatting when they heard a splashing. Who was that? said Jadeis. I think it's a human said Aria. I think it's a sea otter or something like that said Tael. So all girls formed a tight swim formation and went to investigate the noise.

Just over there said Aria. Shh! Let's listen said Tael. So the girls silently glided through the water to where the noise had come from. No one, not even the girls would believe what they saw next. It was a small pack of Mermaids. Three Mermen to be exact. Oh my god yes! My wish came true! Aria squealed. Hello my name is Jadeis and this is my pack said Jadeis. Hello Jadeis it's nice to meet you I'm called Kai and this is my pack. Nice to meet you too. This is Aria and Tael said Jadeis. Hello ladies said all three Mermen. I'm Raen and this is Julian. Kai was the eldest then Raen then Julian.

Kai was blonde with a bit of a messy hairdo, with shimmering blue eyes. He was pale and had a neon Green tail with hint of blue. Raen had brown curly hair with light green/blue eyes that seemed to smile. His tail was neon Blue with hints of misty grey. Julian had very dark hair with bright Hazel eyes. His tail was Neon Red. All three Mermen had great smiles even though they were all so different. They also had accents. Kai was from Ireland. Raen was from England.Julian was from America like the girls,

Jadeis and Kai decided to go for a swim while Aria and Raen happily chatted and explored the coral reef. Tael took Julian to the flat rock to tan. Jadeis was happy to meet someone of her own species, but she didn't trust him or his pack. After some time alone together all the Mermaids felt more at ease having these Mermen around, they now felt great.

So Aria have you ever thought that you would meet someone else like you? No I didn't, but I wished that I would Raen. Raen smiled at Aria sweetly and told her he had something for her. Really? That's so sweet she said. Raen told her that he would go get it so she lounged in the coral reefs. A few minutes later he handed her a pink pearl. It was hot pink. Aria thanked him and asked him where he found such a beautiful pearl. Actually that beautiful pearl found me he said as he leaned close to her. Aria smiled at Raen and he kissed her for the first time. She wrapped her arms around him as he swept her into his arms. That's when Aria realized that this was the best wish ever.

Mermaid CoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora