Chapter 2

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It was already five months pass; the five friends went along just fine. Lance joined sometimes with his pals during lunchtime and the rest went along. He still knew nothing about Rhena. He then told himself, “I must know about her” He admitted that he was starting to love her. However, he wasn’t sure if his feelings really love or not. He couldn’t tell between love and admire toward Rhena. “She is really amazing” the words that he used to describe her. He sometimes watched Rhena from a far especially when he saw her with a red fresh rose at her hands. He wanted to know who gave it to her; however, she never said the name of that someone. One day, Rhena was alone in the field. She was looking at the sky, again. Lance went to her to check out what she was looking at. As he went closer, someone just appeared in front of her. She wasn’t even shock when someone just showed up instantly in front of her.

“It is almost time to return,” the guy said; Rhena looked at his eyes and said nothing. She shifted her sight to the sky and remained in silent. “You still don’t want to leave, am I right?” the guy said as he put his hands to Rhena’ shoulders. She nodded and she put her head to the guy’s chest. “Why do I have to leave?” she asked; those were the words that repeatedly questioning in her mind. The guy wrapped his hand to her and said nothing. He was certain that she love to be alone in the world that she just adopted. He released his hands. He put his hands again to her shoulders, so that he could look at her dark blue eyes. “Do be careful, no one knows what might happen,” he said; he was going to put his lips to hers when suddenly a lightning suddenly showed up. He immediately looked at the sky and back to her. He handed his closed hand to her and remained in silence. His hand slowly opened. In his hand, there was a red fresh rose. Rhena slowly held it as she looked at his eyes. After she got it, she looked away.

Lance saw everything. He saw at the time the guy appeared instantly in front of Rhena until the guy disappeared into thin air. He couldn’t understand on what was happening, however he was certain that Rhena was hiding something. The strange thing was that the lightning appeared in a clear bright sky, which it gave him the creeps. Little he knew, Clarice was also following him. She also saw on what he saw. She was certain that Rhena was not an ordinary human like the others. She slowly smirked when she then realized the facts that only she could understand. “So, you are the one” Clarice said, as she looked at Rhena. “I have found you,” she added and she left.

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