Chapter 5

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“Prince Jhon!” the right hand of prince Jhon calling, “Where are you, my highness?!” he called again; he searched and searched still he saw no prince around. He then thought deeply, “The LIBRARY!” he said and immediately went to the library. There, he saw the prince lying on the floor. “Your highness!” he said as he saw the prince on the floor. Immediately, he went to wake the prince up. “Jacob, what’s wrong?” Prince Jhon asked as he sat up, “Lady Rhena is been capture” he said; immediately Jhon stood and ran out of the room. He had with him the journal at his hand. He grabbed his cloak and went outside. “Your highness!” Jacob called, but Jhon didn’t listened.

Jhon replaced his glittering clothes to a normal clothes like the others and put on his cloak He wandered in the city and looked for a horse that he could use. As he looked, he read the journal. “Excuse me, sir, care to buy a wonderful horse,” a vendor said; Jhon looked at him and to the horse. He touched the horse tenderly and said to the vendor, “I’ll buy this”.

His journey to the kingdom begins. He rode with his horse to the Zah kingdom and hopefully that the people won’t suspect him. He continued reading the journal until he finished the book. He stopped his horse a few meters away from the kingdom and thought a plan so that he could enter the palace. “I must find a way” he said to himself repeatedly; he jump into his horse and rode to the kingdom.

The people in the Zah were happy because of the news that the fiancée of prince Jhon has been capture. Moreover, the prince was able to confirm that his fiancée was somewhere in the castle. He asked and asked until he found out the specific place where his love had been held. He then removed his cloak, which alert the people. Immediately guards responded the people’s alertness. They captured him without knowing that he was the prince of the Floro kingdom. People tossed tomatoes and other vegetables to him, as he was lead by the guards.

“Who are you?” the king of the Zah kingdom said; he looked at him with an angry face. Jhon looked at him calmly and said nothing. “I am speaking to you!” the king said; he remained unemotional and said nothing. Jhon was certain that the king was starting to grow anger at him. He closed his eyes and said, “I am from Floro kingdom, I am just a soldier who wanted to serve the future queen of the kingdom” The king looked at him. He was amused by his words however the law must be follow. He placed Jhon to the prison where Rhena was held. “Lady Rhena,” he gasped as he saw her in the room; Rhena looked at him shocked and said nothing.

“Jhon, why are they telling me that I was engage to a prince?” Rhena asked when there was only the two of them around; Jhon sat across her and gave a deep breath. Jhon looked at her eyes and decided to tell her, “I am, and I must find a way to finish this war between the two kingdoms,” he said; Rhena was speechless. She couldn’t believe that she was engage to a prince. “I am sorry that I didn’t told you, I want to marry the one I love and the one who love the real me.” He said as he gave her a hug; he looked at her eyes and slowly he put his lips to hers. However, the king entered the room.

“What’s this?” he said when he saw Jhon almost kissing the future queen of the Floro kingdom; He went closer and Jhon immediately stood. “Are you planning to betray your prince by just kissing the future queen?” Jhon looked at him and said, “I am?” he said; the king laughed. “What a pathetic thing to do?” he said and went to the door. “Bring them along the main hall,” the king said as he walked away from the cell; without more ado, the guards followed his command. Jhon and Rhena were brought forth to the main hall of the palace. Jhon remained silent and calmed while Rhena was starting to shiver. She feared that something might happen and with that fear, the king was starting to felt good. His anger towards them slowly vanished.

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