Chapter 4

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 “I am certain that she is the fiancée of prince Jhon,” Clarice said to someone unusual; she was smiling brightly as she said it. “Are you certain?” he asked; Clarice nodded, and said nothing. She was certain that Rhena was engage to the ruler of the Floro kingdom. She was so glad that Lance could be her only. She didn’t want that Rhena have him. She would do anything just to have Lance with her. She loved him no matter what their difference were.

Lance decided to talk to Rhena. He went to her and didn’t hesitate. As he did, someone just appeared in front of Rhena. That someone wasn’t the guy who gave the rose. “Who could that be?” he asked himself; “No, Let go!” Rhena said as she tried to get free from the strange man’s grip. Immediately, Lance ran toward her, however, Clarice suddenly stopped him. “You mustn’t interfere, Lance” she said as Rhena was taken forcedly, “What are you doing, isn’t she your friend?” he asked her; Clarice shook her head and said nothing. Lance tried to dodge a way, but Clarice still managed to stop him. “You have no idea who she is,” she said and waved her hand to him, “Sleep well,” she said; Lance started felt heavy and sleepy. A few minutes then, he tumbled down to the ground.

“Clarice, what are you doing?” Rhena asked when she saw her casting a spell to Lance; Clarice smiled at her and said, “To clear the pest away” Rhena looked at her with great fear. She deeply didn’t understand why Clarice doing all of this. She still tried to get out of the strange man’s grip. She closed her eyes; however before she could use her magic, she was knock out. “You must return to the kingdom and we will show Jhon our present,” Clarice said as she looked at Rhena with great scheming eyes, “Jason, immediately go to the castle and send PRINCE JHON our message,” she instructed him; immediately he followed while Clarice went to Lance.

Lance woke up in a few minutes. He found himself in the clinic. He looked around and instantly he remembered Rhena. He instantly jump off the bed and went outside. Clarice was waiting for him when he already out of the room. She was waiting across the room’s door. “Get away from me” he said and he was about to ran when, “Rhena can never be yours,” she said; Lance looked at her wondering on what she was talking about. “She might probably dead by now” she added; Lance’s face showed with great fear. “How could you treat your friend like that?” he asked angrily, “I told you, she isn’t my friend” she replied; she went closer to him. Lance stepped back and said nothing. “She never had a purpose to be here, but I do,” she said as she went closer to him and she continued walking away from him.

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