Chapter 3

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In the far place, the guy who always gave Rhena a red fresh rose, was looking outside to a huge window. He was thinking about Rhena. He couldn’t remove her from his mind. “You must not worry, prince Jhon,” a guy said as he bowed to him; Jhon looked at him and went back looking at her. “She never knew about what I have, but still she accepted my love to her,” he said; he walked away from the window to his desk. “However, with this…”he said and paused for a while, “With this, she is in danger” he continued; He grabbed something at his desk. It was a picture. In that picture, Rhena was wearing the beautiful dress and she was at the garden full of roses. “Is the garden remains its beauty?” he asked; the guy nodded. He was satisfied and looked back at the picture.

“The war between the kingdom in the east and my kingdom, is making me confused.” He thought when he was already lying at his bed, “What is the source of this fight?” he asked himself, “Ever since I was a child, this war exist” he thought; he sat up at his bed. He grabbed a book. Its cover had an inscription of the word “Journal”. “Grandfather, I really wished that I could understand some of the languages that you are using to write this journal of yours,” he said as he slowly opened it. He looked outside of his room. The dark night filled with bright stars and the moon was beautiful that made him remember the time, which Rhena said her good byes. He then rush out of his room and went to the library. He searched for the meaning of the words that his grandfather was using in writing his journal. He translated every word that he couldn’t understand. It took time to translate some of the languages from the book. He didn’t even went to sleep just to translate those words in the journal.

For five days, Jhon translated the words written in his grandfather’s journal. He was relief that he finish it. He was about to stand in his chair, he collapsed. The dark world that he was seeing filled with black roses around him. He looked around and wandered around the garden. “What is this?” he said and continued wandering around. As he wandered, a light shone at the garden, which it made the garden bloom. The black roses from the start change into white and red roses. The garden has the beauty that made him think about Rhena. “Jhon, you must stop the war between our kingdom and to the Zah kingdom.” A voice echoed; the prince looked above and said in a low voice, “I will”.

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