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After Matt's new bae dragged him up to the bedroom, Katelyn and the rest of her group decided to order a movie. Jason did so via his "super slick" iPad. He bought one of the Saw movies though she wasn't sure which one. Brett retrieved the comforter from their bed and cuddled with her on the couch. His hand snuck under her shirt and made little circles around her bellybutton. The nervous energy in his hand let her know it wanted to move on to bigger and better things. But like her brother, she too couldn't hold her liqueur. She sprinted to the downstairs restroom.

"Oh, dude. She's done for." Jason moved his legs out of her way.

"What's with those two and alcohol?" Brett scoffed.

"Don't worry, Kitten!" Nancy yelled. "Under the sink, you'll find mouthwash and unopened toothbrushes."

Katelyn dropped to her knees and dry heaved into the toilet.

Brett followed her and offered his assistance by pulling her hair into a long ponytail. "Think you can get up and finish the movie? Or are ya ready for bed?"

"The movie. I never threw..." She hacked again. "... up."

After a few minutes, and once she could say for certain she wouldn't be tossing her cookies, Brett helped her stand.

"Thank you, kind sir." She took his hand, giggled, and hiccoughed.

"For what?" Brett's near unibrow crumpled.

"I think you just proved that chivalry isn't dead." The buzz tickled her nose. "I'll be out in a minute."

"Gotcha." He clicked his finger-gun at her.

Are you kidding me right now? Is he that much of a dork? She secretly hoped he didn't end up being an asshole like Jason. Though, as best friends, they'd probably shared synapses at one point or another. Which reminded her, bromances are a bitch.

Katelyn found a pin and twirled her hair into a bun. Once she'd gargled cinnamon mouthwash and brushed her teeth, she rejoined the group on the sectional sofa.

"You wazzed, or what?" Nancy asked.

"Not as bad as Matt." Katelyn made sure her hair and clothes looked decent and sat down with Brett. "You gonna take care of me?"

"Shut the hell up!" Jason clicked the movie off. "Everyone ... quiet!"

Dustin jumped off the perch he'd been banished to earlier by the couples. Eager to be part of any conversation, he blurted, "Sounds like a rocket."

Katelyn listened. The low roar came from somewhere outside.

"Probably an airplane." Nancy looked toward the window. "I don't see anything."

"Doesn't sound like a commercial jet." Brett's eyes focused on the double doors leading into the house.

The sound grew louder. Maybe Dustin had the right idea?

Items on the counter in the kitchen bounced around. A vase fell from the top of a ledge and shattered on the marble.

"Earthquake?" Nancy draped herself with Jason's arms.

"I don't think so, look." Jason nodded toward the front window.

A large object tunneled through the clouds, headed straight for them. Katelyn's heart pounded against her ribs. She couldn't understand why it scared her so much.

Brett yelled at her.

The roar had cut off all other noise. Katelyn motioned she couldn't hear him. She thought he said, "We need to get out." Instead, he dragged her behind the couch.

Nasferas: The BegottenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora