Chapter 2

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Without warning people started coming through a door into the enclosure. The strangest part is they were carrying bags of things. I didn't realize what was going on until a little girl said "I want to feed that one!" What? They can feed us?

Before I could get away a lady came over to me with a brush. A BRUSH. She went to pull it through my hair but I backed away. Bzz OW. The shock collar around my neck buzzed. Sigh I'll take that as my cue to let this lady brush me. She smiled happily when I sat down in front of her. "Good girl!" She cooed at me. She continued to brush me before patting my head and leaving. Kill me.

Getting up to go find Taylor I was stopped again. Now a little girl wanted to feed me peanuts. Do I really have to do this? A shock from my collar said yes. Humiliatingly I crouched down and reluctantly opened my mouth. Once I started to chew the little girl laughed and clapped her hands. It's a shame she's so young she doesn't understand what's really happening here. She just sees me as an animal here for her entertainment.

Getting up again I went to find Taylor. Fortunately there were no interruptions for the time being. I found her being fed carrots by a younger boy. I came over to her as soon as he left. "This is ridiculous." She muttered. "You can say that again." "This is-" "I didn't mean literally." "Right." We both chuckled. Getting bored I went over to a big rock in the enclosure and started to climb it. It was pretty high but I've got experience climbing things.

As I got higher and higher I looked down and noticed a crowd was forming. Great. I continued to climb until I reached the top which was pretty flat. I sat down and stared at all the other people like they were the animals. They were waiting for me to do something. I smirk knowing exactly what to do. Standing up I look at the crowd below, and jump.

I can hear people gasp and move their children back. My arms and legs are out and I can feel the wind against my face. Before I hit the ground two men caught me in their arms. They set me down and I grinned at the whole crowd. Little children started to laugh and clap not understanding the seriousness of what I just did. I went and grabbed my shocked best friend by the arm and left.

"You're crazy." She exclaimed. "I know." I shot back. Then she burst into a fit of laughter. "You should have seen the looks on their faces! The one lady whispered to her husband 'Richard catch her!" Now I was the one in hysterics. We walked and walked. This enclosure was huge. I'm not sure how many people are in here.

Then we found a cave. Walking in I noticed there was a dim light coming from it. What's the worst that could happen? There's nothing in here but people. Stepping in Taylor grabbed my arm. "Are you mental?? Don't go in there!" I sighed "relax there's nothing but people in here." I tugged my arm away and started walking in.

What I saw at the very end was shocking to say the least. Two older teens, a boy and a girl, and two younger boys. I stepped on a branch the cracking catching their attention. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude?" I meant to sound sincere but it came out as more of a question.

"No it's fine I'm Natalia." The older girl stood up. "And this is Ben, my two younger boys are Ren, and Ken." "Hi!" The younger ones yelled in unison. Her younger boys? I wondered. I must have made a face because she sighed. "Those are my children, yes. Me and Ben are their parents." Wow. "How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" Is that rude to ask? "Ben and I are both nineteen, my boys are two almost three.

"Hey you didn't come back yet and I didn't hear an agonizing scream so I came to- oh." Taylor walked in rambling but stopped mid way once she saw the um family? "Taylor this is Natalia, Ben, Ren, and Ken." I opened my mouth to introduce Taylor but then closed it. "If you don't mind me asking do you have a family last name?" I wasn't sure what to call them. "Family!?" Taylor exclaimed. "Shhh!" "Well Bens last name is Adams so I suppose we're the Adams family."

"Ok well Adams family this is Taylor. My best friend." They all smiled and said hi. "Not to be rude but I'm just curious as to how this came to be?" I sat down on a log opposite them with Taylor. "I guess its story time." Natalia said.

"I was brought here when I was 9 and for a while I was all alone. I didn't have my family or any friends. Ben came two years later when we were 11. He became my best friend and helped with my depression. Years passed and we fell in love. I didn't necessarily want kids at the time but with the pressure from the zoo eventually we did. I'm ok with it because I loved Ben and still do. Despite what the zoo wants we had our children later so we can take them with us when we leave. I got pregnant when I was 17 and had Ren and Ken. They're twins and the light of my life. We found this cave for me to give birth and pretty much just stayed here."

"What do you mean by pressure from the zoo?" Natalia and Ben exchanged glances. "They haven't.... told you yet?" Now I was nervous. "Told us what?"

Natalia sighed taking a deep breath she grabbed bens arm for what seemed to be emotional support? "The zoo... encourages the able girls to have children, especially at a young age so they can keep them. All children born in the zoo who reach the age of 7 before their parents are released are considered property of the zoo."

When she finished I was shocked. I knew these people were sick but not this sick. This is just sadistic. They breed children to keep their own chain of profit going. I look over to Taylor who looks sick to her stomach. "Thank you for telling us." I look at Natalia who almost seems in tears.

She sucked in a deep shaky breath closing her eyes. Her grip on Ben seemed almost deadly. She seemed to sober all of a sudden opening her eyes, turning to me with a deadly serious face. "Don't let them break your spirit." That's all she said before the fake animatronic voice came over the intercom.

"It's lunch time for the hominids. Everyone be sure not to miss it. All enclosed come to the front of the enclosure." The Adams family got up taking each other's hands, making their way out of the cave.

April 29th 2112

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