Chapter 10

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"She's such a whore"
"What a bitch"
I sit curled in a ball on my bunk rocking back and forth. Do they think I can't hear their whispers? Their words are like daggers in my mind destroying my brain from the inside out. Hate, regret, anguish, heartbreak, destruction. Those are my five stages of grief, I can feel each one of them inside of me but they're compressed so far down I can't react. I can't move, I can't think, I can't do anything. But sit here and listen to them tear me apart.

The seconds go by agonizingly slow and eventually some time in the night they all sleep, temporarily silencing their whispers. Whispers, whispers are dangerous, their almost silent and deadly. They're just loud enough for you to hear when it's quiet so your mind can poison itself, or when it's loud whispers can still be seen even if you can't hear them; and you can always tell when they're directed at you, bringing nothing but despair and darkness.

I almost don't notice when the alarm and voice come over the intercom. "The zoo will be opening in exactly one hour. It is time to prepare yourselves." Coming out of my mind back into reality I notice everyone has left but me. "Get the fuck out, now!" A guard shouts at me. Blinking at him I, as slowly as possible, make my way out the door just to be spiteful.

As I'm walking out to go take my place in line the overly bleached bimbo sneers in my direction. Her eyes hold mocking humor as she laughs at me with her eyes. "Whore" she exclaims out loud not even bothering to be discreet. Gasps can be heard and people take a step back and watch as I slam the bitch into the wall and lift her by the neck. I squeeze as tight as I can, my eyes cold as I give no mercy to her choking figure. Long scratch marks peal back the skin on my hands and wrists from her desperately trying to get me off but I don't care. Even through her dark skin you can see the purple take over her face. All of the hate that has been compressed inside me for so long makes its way to the front of my being, consuming me.

Before I kill her I am snatched back with rough force, having both my arms constrained by a guard. She falls to the ground letting out coughs that sound painful. She looks at me with fear in her eyes holding her throat. "Whore" this time it's me who mocks her as I give her a twisted smirk. A different guard then the one is restraining me places a magnetic bracelet on each of my wrists and they pull together.

I am dragged out of the room and handed over to this lady who's eyes hold no human compassion in them. What is with this place and evil women? She snaps her fingers at me and starts walking. If she thinks I'm going to follow her because she snapped her fingers at me like I'm some trained monkey she must've lost her brain cells right along with her humanity.

Without even turning around she sighs and clicks a button on a small square black device, causing my cuffs to move forward. Rolling my eyes I walk so the cuffs won't drag me on the floor. It seems like we walk for over fifteen minutes to a place so far at the edge of the zoo, it's away from everything. "Via open" what is this some type of satanic cult door code? The door opens to reveal what appears to be a blank all white room with nothing in it. However when we walk in I realize everything is soft and partially squishy, even the floor.

The magnetic cuffs are taken off of my wrists and in its place tight gloves are fastened around my hands and from how they feel I can tell they are to keep me from hurting myself. Without a word the lady leaves and I am locked inside of this room like I'm Alice in Wonderland crazy or something.

Groaning I slump down onto the floor, back to the wall and my knees to my chest. What the fuck has happened to my life? As time goes by with nothing in this room but me and my thoughts the reality of all that has happened to me seeps into the cracks of my mind. Regret slaps me in the face at how I got into this situation. Regret from how I wasn't quick enough or smart enough to protect myself from being captured and brought to this hell hole, regret from how I never made myself strong enough to defend myself from what happened.

Next comes the anguish and heartbreak rolling over me like waves of grief instead of stages. Memories I've fought like my life depends on it to suppress hit me full force as every detail plays in my mind and I am forced to think about reality. I was captured and placed in a zoo where I was raped and now I'm pregnant. Its like something snaps inside of me and I lose it, falling apart.

I scream a heart wrenching scream that comes from the core of my being. I put all my suffering and agony into that scream. All of the memories and pain and feelings from that moment go into that scream. The fear, desperation, loss, and defeat I felt all comes out as fat tears roll down my cheeks out of my closed eyes from not getting enough air. Sobs then rack my body as I violently shake and fall to the floor. My head is swimming with poisonous words and I try to shake them out but it just makes the voice louder.

"If you were stronger this wouldn't have happened"
"If you were smarter you wouldn't be in the situation you are now"
"You deserved to be raped"
"It will never go away"

Why me? Why did I have to go through this? Why am I so broken? I scream some more clutching my ears, shielding them from my own piercing cries. I slam my fists into the wall and scream and sob until it comes out as a strangled cry.

I hit the ground repeatedly with my fists as hard as I can and it does nothing, absolutely nothing. I try to bang my head against the wall with as much force as I can but nothing. My kicks, my screams, my tears mean nothing in here just like they meant nothing to him.

I mean nothing.

July 30th - July 31st 2112
7/30/2112 - 7/31/2112

Sorry if the chapter is a little short I'm just filling in to get the story line going. And I promise it gets better but there always pain before happiness. Oh and btw the blonde girl with the cocoa skin, her name is Tasha. Well thanks for reading bye 😊

The Child ZooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang