Chapter 5

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Being dragged along we come to the entrance to the zoo door. I mentally prepare myself for the long 10 hours in that hellish place. However nothing could prepare me for what was to happen next.

We file into the large enclosure along with other groups. People wait outside to bum rush us as soon as the doors open. Unbothered by the crowd I'm about to try to find a place to hide when a commotion catches my attention.

"That's my baby in there! Serendipity! Baby it's mom!" I whip my head around so fast I think my neck will break. Mom? Behold there banging on the glass is my mother. Tears stream down her face as she continues to bang while guards come in the distance.

"The zoo is now allowing entry" says the sickly intercom voice. My mom pushes past people trying to get in but is grabbed by guards that tower over her small height. She struggles looking up at them with a tear stained face. "I have money! Here take it! My baby!" Her voice shrieks at them.

They're about to drag her away when an unlikely protagonist clacks her way in. I stand frozen in my spot as the blood red heels make their way over to my mom. "Let her in." The devil tells the guards. They exchange glances still not letting go. My mothers face is trained on the lady in front of her. "Did. I. Stutter." The guards give a final glance before letting her go.

She rushes through the doors to me. My body is engulfed in a hug that snaps me out of my trance as I hug her back. The most important person in my life. I breath in her natural sweet fruit scent. I can feel the dampness on my bare shoulder from her tears.

Pulling away slightly I take in her appearance. She looks tired, worn, and old. Not like my sweet young at heart mother. I know this must have taken a toll on her from the worry lines on her forehead. I take my thumbs and wipe away the tears from her wrinkled face.

I can't imagine how much it must have cost to get a ride here since we don't have car. Plus the cost of a zoo ticket. Her hands shook as she rubbed her hands up and down my arms as to feel if I was really there. She looked so broken, her hands shook as she took them away.

I couldn't cry, she needed me to be strong right now. Seeing me cry would only tear her apart further. Suddenly out of nowhere she goes "what are you wearing?" "Oh.. yea they put us in these um things. They don't even give us underwear!" I whisper the last part.

She looks appalled but I force out a chuckle to try and lift her spirits. She gives out a light "heh" as she looks lost in her thoughts for a moment. Snapping her eyes up to me suddenly they swim with unshed tears. "I..."
Her voice breaks as it trails off.

"I am so, so sorry you ended up here my beautiful girl." I take in a sharp breath as I feel all of the hurt and pain in her voice. It suffocates my soul, but I don't cry. "Mom..." "I should've done more! To keep you out of this accursed place... I should've done something..."

"No! This is not your fault mom." I say matter of faculty. "I should've been more careful." Even though there wasn't anything I could do about the situation I felt as though I should've been able to keep myself out of it. But I couldn't.

"There's some people I'd like you to meet." I look over my shoulder at Taylor who's been watching from a distance. Beaconing her over with a wave of my hand she walk/runs over to where we're standing.

"Taylor this is my mom, mom this is taylor." My mothers face looks blank as she looks Taylor over before a wide smile spreads on her face. She reaches her arms out and puts them on Taylor's shoulders. "It's so good to meet you! I wasn't aware Serendipity had a friend." She gives me a glance as to say 'why didn't you tell me'.

"How long have you known each other?" My mom asks me directly. "About 5 or 6 years." I awkwardly shuffle around on my bare feet because I know what's to come. "All this time and you didn't tell me!" My mom exclaims in disbelief.

I just gave her an awkward half smile in return. Clearing my throat I looked up to my mothers eyes, getting serious. "There are some other people I'd like you to meet." My mother gave me a curious look as I glanced at Taylor and she nodded. Nobody said a word as I led my mom to the back of the enclosure.

Appearing in front of the mouth of the cave we stopped. Turning around with my hands behind my back I warned caution as I didn't want to frighten the Adams family. We stepped in and proceeded slowly.

Sure enough as expected the dim glow of the fire was found near the end. I gave a slight tap on the cave walls when the family came into sight. All four of them turned their heads to look at us. "Natalia, Ben, this is my mom and I brought her here to meet you all."

They both stood up and Natalia enveloped my mother in a warm hug. "Your daughter is such a nice young girl, and I'm so sorry she was taken from you." The teary eyes of them both sent a slight pang to my heart. Still, however, I wouldn't cry.

Ben then shook my mothers hand giving her a closed mouth smile. "We appreciate the visit, we don't get them much." He said sincerely, offering us a seat. I took a deep breath, preparing for what I was about to say.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to tell my mom your story, the story of the Adams family." Natalia froze for a second while Ben rubbed reassuring circles on her hand with his thumb. She locked eyes with my mom, her normal welcoming and happy energy gone; entirely serious.

She went into detail about everything; her time at the zoo before Ben, after Ben, her kids, and the awful encouragement from the zoo. I saw the horror and disgust on my mothers face as she took in the new found information. Silence filled the room, encasing us for several minutes before words evaporated it.

"I have to get you out of here..." her voice was barely above a whisper. "Mom...." I warned. "I have to get you out of here!" She exclaimed in almost insanity. "The zoo will be closing in ten minutes." The voice was heard from all around. Panic was visible in my mothers eyes as there was no telling when we would see each other again.

"I have to get you out of here!" She pulled on my wrist desperately, looking around as if afraid of guards coming at any moment. I pulled my hand out of my mothers grip. We both knew there was no point in even trying anything crazy like that. She was letting desperation fuel her actions.

"Five minutes until closing." "Mom. You have to go now." I tried to keep my voice strong as tears slipped down her face. Her eyes scanned my body as if taking me in, studying every part of me. Reaching over I hugged her tightly as we stood there not breaking embrace. Sobs wracked my mothers body as she cried loudly.

I gave her a light squeeze before I pushed her away gently. "You have to hurry mom or you'll be fined and I know we can't afford it. Go." My teary dark brown eyes stared back into her matching pair. "I love you" her voice was horse and broken.

"I love you too." And with that she dashed out of the cave, running to try to make it out on time. That was it. I stood there, starring at where she once stood. My mother.

April 30th 2112

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