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"So let me see if I get this straight...somebody kissed you?"


"A guy whom you sometimes see in the coffee shop where Joshua hyung works?"


"And you don't know his name?"


"And you were totally okay with it?"

"Kind of...although, I got to admit, he was a pretty good kisser..."

I guess it was my mistake talking about this sort of things with Lee Jihoon, but in my defense, he was the one who asked! Jihoon has never been the most experienced person when it comes to relationships or even talking to other people, not like I'm an expert either.

But that didn't stop me from feeling slightly mad when he gave this judging look.

"Why would you even let him do it? I mean, he could be a serial killer for all you know!" he said, the same judging look I've grown so used to see never fading from his face.

"A serial killer that goes around kissing people?"

"Maybe he's not a very conventional one, who knows?"

Yup, you can always count on Jihoon to assume that everybody is either a serial killer or up to something. 

The two of us were making our way to the coffee shop where our friend Joshua worked, and also where the handsome stranger, and possible serial killer according to Jihoon, had kissed me. 
I would be lying if I said I hadn't spent the last few days thinking about it. I did come back to the coffee shop every day, although that was already my routine, I failed to see the stranger again. Or his funny and very savage Chinese friend.
I wonder what happened to him...I mean, it's not like I'm desperate to see him, 'cause that would be insane...right?

"Do you think we'll be late for class today?" I asked. Me and Jihoon had a small reputation of arriving late to the same class every single time. I admit, the majority of the time it might have been my fault. In our defense, the class always started at a very inconvenient time, plus the teacher was way too strict when it comes to time. If you're five minutes late, it's already a federal offense.

"Hopefully, no. It all depends if that group of high school girls is there again. I swear, they're so lucky that Josh is a nice person because I don't think anyone would have enough patience to put up with six girls all trying to flirt with him and taking forever to order." 

"We're also screwed if those two old ladies are there too!" 

"I forgot about those. Jesus, what's with women and Joshua? And men too? Why does everybody get so enchanted by him?"

"You're kidding, right? He's a literal angel sent from God? In literally every aspect?"

I laughed as Jihoon rolled his eyes and began to rant about how Joshua wasn't some ethereal being sent by a random superior force.
We arrived at the coffee shop with very little time to spare, when I noticed a familiar face at the door.

"Jihoon! It's him!" I shrieked as I grabbed his arm in panic.


"Him! The guy!"

Before Jihoon could respond, the boy noticed us and waved enthusiastically. He started to walk towards us, with a grin on his face.

"Well, now you have the chance to find out his name! I'm going to get us our usual then! Best of luck!" Jihoon said, quickly running inside the coffee shop. I honestly don't understand this guy, he gives me a whole lecture about 'stranger danger' and what not, but runs off first chance he gets?!

"Hey there, coffee girl!" the boy happily greeted. Yup, he's still as handsome as I remember.

" Coffee girl? Seriously?"

"You don't like it? What do you prefer then? Cappuccino girl? Americano girl? Caramel Macchiato girl? Iced coffee girl? Or since we're in October, pumpkin spice latte girl?"

"I would rather not be named after a Starbucks drink." I chuckled. Not only he's good looking, he has a weird sense of humor.
What a wonderful human being!

"Coffee girl it is then. How are your very bad looking high school crush and crappy friend? Have they caused you any trouble?"

"Not really. Thanks to you, whenever she sees me, she just glares and walks away."

"Let me know if you need any help with them."

"What's your plan this time? Are you going to kiss me again?"

"If you insist!"

"I don't even know your name!"


"HEY!" I looked behind me to see Jihoon holding two cups of coffee, and gesturing for me to hurry.

"I really need to go. It was nice seeing you again though!" I said as I got ready to run towards the hasty looking Jihoon, who was probably thinking about the lecture the two of would receive yet again for being late.

"Wait! I just wanted to tell you that my mine is-"

"WEN! COME ON WE GOT TO GO! SOONYOUNG IS GOING TO KILL US!" a voice shouted from behind him, making the boy wince.

"Wen...wendy...alright, that works for me! See you, Wendy!" I yelled to him as I ran in Jihoon's direction, leaving a very confused and yet amused boy behind me.

"Did you at least found out his name?" Jihoon asked, handing me my coffee and walking in a rush to the not so pleasant class and speech about tardiness that we were about to face.

"Sadly, no..."


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