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"Can't we just-"



"How many times do I have to say 'no' for you to understand that we are not going to take a break?!"

Lee Jihoon is either a great friend or a terrible person. I'm still deciding it.

Tomorrow, the two of us are going to do an exam for one the toughest subjects we have.
Jihoon is very determined to pass it, no matter how many hours of sleep must he lose.
Me? I've been procrastinating for the last month since I found out about the exam...so yeah, I barely given it any thought. But in my defense, I've been thinking about other things...like how much I don't want to study or how great a nine-hour marathon of various kdramas sounds.
Plus, I've been mourning the death of my non-existent relationship with the handsome stranger whose name is still unknown to me.

The coffee shop is pretty much empty this time at night, except for me, Jihoon and Joshua. The older boy is behind the counter, cleaning and overall preparing everything for the next day, occasionally telling Jihoon to calm down. Meanwhile, my very stressed friend and I are sitting in our usual booth, surrounded by stacks of papers, notes, and books.
Studying at the very last chance doesn't tend to help, but we're desperate.
Besides, it's not the first time the three of us stayed at the coffee shop until the ungodly hours of the night, only leaving either because Joshua was forced to close everything or until we fell asleep due to exhaustion. In those cases, usually, Jeonghan would grace us with his presence and drag us all home with Joshua's help.

"Jihoon... maybe you two could use a break." Joshua offered as he observed Jihoon's angry writing and me attempting to absorb all the information in the book in front of me.

"We could use a miracle instead! I could write the Shakespearean equivalent of an exam, and I would still fail!  That teacher hates us!" I replied, my eyes never leaving the printed words.

"It can't be that ba-"

"He's still throwing in our faces the time we arrived five minutes late! That was a month ago!" Jihoon interrupted, "I'm telling you, he's one of those teachers that takes pleasure in embarrassing students! He must have a hell of inferiority complex!"

"Still, you two should take a break! Get some sleep or something. Maybe I should call Jeonghan to take you guys home..."

"Josh, you're an angel, you really are-"

"But I can sleep when I'm dead!" Jihoon interrupted me, exhaustion already kicking in, "Unless someone barges in, in a life or death situation, I'm not going to-"

And just like in a scene straight from a movie, the doors of the coffee shop were smashed opened, revealing a group of four guys. The loud noise made me jump, but I was secretly happy for the distraction. One more minute looking at the same sentence would have probably driven me crazy.

The four boys who caused all the commotion were actually a sort of amusing sight now that I noticed. One, who seemed like the youngest one of the group, was basically carrying his apparently very drunk friend, who was holding his arm in pain. The other two boys were in a similar position, except the sober one was dragging the intoxicated friend, who was glancing around the place until his eyes landed on me. Wait...is that...


Yup, that's everyone's favorite friendly stranger. And the possible serial killer, according to a theory which Jihoon doesn't seem very keen on letting go.

Lovely Stranger (Moon Junhui)Where stories live. Discover now