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Lee Jihoon, you're so lucky that I am a very nice person, otherwise I would tell you to go to hell!

A few hours ago, I got a call from a very distressed Jihoon asking me if I could get him the books he left in the coffee shop and that he desperately needed for the next day.
In other circumstances, I would have whined a little, but I would still go. Because I am a wonderful friend.

But it's 2 am!

After tons of arguing, Jihoon managed to bribe me into getting him the godforsaken books and to deliver to him tomorrow before his classes. He also mentioned that he had already called Joshua to ask where the key to the doors was so I could get in. The sneaky bastard already knew that I would say yes. 

And that is how I ended up inside the coffee shop, at 3 o'clock in the morning, trying to find my friend's stupid books.
Have I mentioned that it's stupidly dark in here?
The lights were very dim, and although everything was visible enough, it still gave the shop a very creepy atmosphere. And I also couldn't stop thinking about every single horror movie I've seen in my life. Lovely...

After a while of searching, I literally stumbled on Jihoon's pile of books, which were on the corner of the restroom. I'm guessing either Joshua or Jeonghan put them there so nobody would find them.

When I was finally ready to get the heck out of the grim looking coffee shop, I started to hear noises coming from the front. Apparently, I'm not the only one in here.
In a panic state, I tried to find a weapon or something to defend myself but all I had were Jihoon's hardcover and stupidly expensive college books. 
I guess they can cause some damage to someone's face if properly used...

I slowly walked out of the restroom, one of Jihoon's heavy books in hand, when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
I'm alone in a dark coffee shop, at 3 am and an anonymous person touches me. I did the only reasonable thing to do in my situation...which is scream curse words and hit repeatedly whoever is behind me with a huge book.

The intruder kept begging me to stop, which I only did after I recognised his voice.

"Wendy?!" I yelled in disbelief, still clutching the very hardcover book in my hands.

"Yes! Jesus, is that a book or a brick?!"

"It's a book! I came here to get it for Jihoon! What are you doing here?"

"Chan left his bag here and he needs it for tomorrow. I saw the door was open so I came in. Got to say, I wasn't expecting to get attacked by a college book today." he explained while rubbing his shoulder, where I had stricken him several times.

"I'm sorry about that...thought you were a murder or something...anyway, I should get going..." 

I quickly dashed to the front door, hoping that he wouldn't try to talk to me again. The thing is, I'm not entirely sure whether he remembers what happened a week ago. When he and his friends burst into the coffee shop. And when he in his very drunk state decided to kiss me...again.
Honestly, I wasn't really in the mood to have such an awkward conversation. I had a particularly bad day and I wasn't feeling like dealing with anyone, no matter who they were. I'm just having one of those days when life feels empty and horrible in spite of everything.
But the universe likes to play stupid jokes on me.

I felt as if somebody had just dumped a bucket full of ice on me when I saw the door of the coffee shop firmly closed.

"Hey, Wendy?" I shouted, my eyes never leaving my only way of escape.


"Did you closed the door after you got in?"

"Yeah, why?" he was now standing behind me, with a black gym bag on his shoulder, which I assume it belongs to his friend.

"The door can only be unlocked from the outside...and if the door closes..."

"...it locks itself...so that means..."

"...we're stuck here..."


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