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Anyway it's now 15 years later later Michael and I are deeply in love and married and he got his wish Kaylani did stay bald forever.

We also had 8 other kids named Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie, Kara, Kyle, and Kameron. Jesus Christ that was a lot of work.

Anyway Maya got AIDS from my dad and died haha that bitch. Kaitlyn married hairy, Ella married Calum, and Luke and Ashton said fuck it and married each other.

So now I'm sitting on the couch watching Netflix with Michael and Kaylani my ugly bald daughter walks in and says

"I'm gay."

"K" me and Michael say in perfect unison ugh we're so perfect together I mean he's bald.

Then Kim walks in. "No I'm gay"

Then Kourtney walks in and says she's gay and all my kids do this they're almost all gay but Kylie is trans and Kameron is genderfluid and loOK LGBT!!1!1! IM SO SO DIVERSE!!!1!11 SUCH ALLY MUCH SUPPORT!!1!1!!1 READ MY BOOK BECAUSE ###DIVERSITY!!1!1!1! ALSO I ADOPTED KENDALL FROM AFRICA!!1!!!11 I'LL GET SO MANY READS NOW FOR MY ONE PARAGRAPH OF DIVERSITY!!11!!1!1

Anyway then all my irrelevant ass kids walk away except for Kim who says "also I'm pregnant."

Again me and Michael say "k" in perfect unison anyway then Kim has her baby yay we're grandparents I'm only like 35!

Anyway then we get back home because Kim just had a baby who she named Susanita and Kaylani was standing there next to a girl who had super short hair, combat boots, a flannel, and ripped boyfriend jeans along with a pride pin.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Gaye." she said

"Hello Gaye" everyone said in perfect unison, including Susanita.

"Vagina" said Gaye, meaning hello in Gay, the language all gays spoke. Along with Chinese I also know perfect Gay. Wow I'm so diverse.

"Were in love and we're getting married" said Kaylani.

"K" we all said.

Anyway Kaylani married Gaye, the rest of my kids ended up conveniently falling in love with the kids of Ella and Hairy and Luke and Ashton but not the kids of Kaitlyn because eww incest gross and we all lived happily ever after the end.

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