Chap 10

996 39 2


Ok it's been a hundred years and everyone was sitting on the couch last night watching a movie and Moyie and Ry were cuddling together they are married but I looked at Moyie with a raised eyebrow giving her a look she looked back and moved a hands width away.

The next movie Peter picked the movie and to Jasper and Boone's horror it was Winnie the Pooh then it was the video I took of them we couldn't stop laughing. Jasper's very angry and so was Boone. I calmed Jasper and kicked everyone out.

"Hey babe what are you thinking about" "just last night how you rocked my world like always."
He smirked.

"It was good but I believe that it was you whom rocked my world"
"I would agree but why don't we have a replay?"

Two hours later
"That was awesome and I stick to what I said"
"Well we agree to disagree babe" I said.

The next day I was in the kitchen looking outside thinking about when we were still human.

I was humming
"Hum?!" I shook my head.
"Yeah you say something?"
"You were singing the one we wrote"

He took my hand and led me upstairs to the music room Jasper played the guitar and he started singing.

I was dyin in that small town, dreamed of headin southbound
So I hitched down I-65
I climbed into her trans am, an hour below of Burmingham
He was headin home and I was there for the ride
Started talkin nonsense an' he was laughin at my accent
Wound up on the Alabama shore
There was magic in the night air an' a gulf breeze in his/her blonde/brown hair
That's what my soul's searchin for
Southern moonlight, southern daughter
She led me down to the water
Both with Bella in back ground
As we lay on that cool, white sand
I was born again in Dixieland
We drank from a mason jar, underneath a blanket of stars
And I said 'do you believe this is meant-to-be?'
An' she told me 'well I believe the front porch swings
-The song that the cricket sings-

And I believe you belong down here with me
Southern moonlight, southern daughter
She led me down to the water
As we lay on that cool, white sand
I was born again in Dixieland
We watched the twilight fade, there by the ocean waves
And it made me feel at home
An' I knew I'd found my place, lost in her embrace
I was baptized in her arms
Southern moonlight, southern daughter
She led me down to the water
As we lay on that cool, white sand
I was born again....
Both with Bella echoing Jasper
Southern moonlight, southern daughter
She led me down to the water
As we lay on that cool, white sand
I was born again in Dixieland
In Dixieland (Dixieland)

When we finished he hugged me to him and kissed me I Of course kissed back.

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