Chapter 3

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-----The War-----


The Cirrus was one of Heaven's most sacred temples. It was a place of healing and prayers. This was where I went to be at peace. This was also the temple where Aphrodite, our queen, lived in. She never left this temple and whenever us angels needed help, we would come to her for guidance. Aphrodite mostly used her charm in order to get what she wanted, but it never worked with me. I couldn't be easily fooled. There were once rumors that Aphrodite had an affair with Lucifer, but there was no evidence that confirmed this.

I was in the Cirrus, kneeling in front of the altar and clearing my mind. One of the female angels, named Uriel, came and knelt next to me.

"Lady Aphrodite wishes to speak to you. She said that it's important that you go immediately.", she whispered.

"Did she say anything on what it's about?", I asked.

Uriel shook her head. I got up and went deep into the heart of the temple where Aphrodite was seated on a throne.

"Your Majesty." I bowed.

"Stand upright Gabriel."

There was silence in the room.

"Uriel told me you wanted to see me?" I said.

"Yes. You have been chosen."

"Chosen for what?"

"The end. A battle between angels and demons."

"A battle?"

"I saw it. The demons will attack whilst us angels remain oblivious of what they've got in store. You are one of the angels who will join in this war."

"With all due respect your Majesty, but I cannot be involved in this. War is not the answer. There has to be a peaceful resolution to this."

"Demons don't do peace Gabriel! You shall do as you're told."

"Like the way you did as you're told when you meddled with the affairs of the demons?"

"Gabriel, the reason why I told you was because I trust you."

"What about the rest of us? You haven't even thought things through."

"Enough!" Aphrodite snapped, "You will fight and do as you're told. Now leave."

I bowed my head and left. As I walked, Devas came running after me.

"Your sword Gabriel. One of the best ever created.", he said.

"I don't need a sword Devas. I'm not going to be part of this war", I said.

"I'm pretty sure Aphrodite would want you to be part of it. You don't really have a choice here."

"We all have the right to choose what we want and what we don't."

"Gabriel, Aphrodite will kill you if you do not join. Take it, please."

"Fine." I sighed and grabbed the sword and walked on.

"Gabriel... Gabriel wake up!", Devas said.

We were in the library, I was reading a book.

"What's wrong Devas?", I asked.

"They're attacking... The demons... They're destroying the Cirrus... We MUST protect Aphrodite!"

I got up.

"Let's go.", I said.

Devas led me outside, where the demons were breaking down walls with their long, sharp claws. The angels were trying to defend the sacred building, but every time more demons would show up.

"Devas. Get Aphrodite to safety. Make sure none of those things touch her.", I commanded.

"What about you?", he asked.

"Don't worry about me," I said, "Just make sure our queen is safe."

Devas left whilst I remain standing. I took out the sword Devas gave me and joined in defense. One of the demons came flying towards me with it's red, bat like wings. I stabbed the creature right through it's chest. I took out the sword and watched as it fell, landing in one of our enchanted woods. The impact was so loud that I could actually hear it beneath all the shouting and roaring of both angels and demons. I grew out my hidden wings and started flying towards the rest of the demons, slicing the heads, stabbing them through their rib cages. I even noticed one of our angels rip out both spines of one of the demons. I was suddenly bumped by one of the demons. He tried attacking me, but I managed to dodge, as well as counter, his attacks. He then grabbed me and held me in a submission. One of our archangels shot an arrow through it's back and I quickly reversed the submission and snapped the demon's neck.
This took place for what felt like hours, but eventually the demons retreated.

"Pursue and kill every one of those demons!" Aphrodite shouted.

"Aphrodite, this is absurd, and only a fool would want to continue this battle without gathering proper weapons."

"Do as your told," she said, "You listen to me and follow my orders. Follow them and make sure that none survive. Go now! All of you!"

The angels started flying away, following the demons to where they were headed. I turned to face Aphrodite.

"If they die, you're to blame.", I said and left without giving her a chance to speak back.

I caught up with the angels. The demons were leading us to a place filled with green grass, blue waters. It was Earth. I've read many books about it and have travelled quite a few times to this strange and unique planet. We stopped at some kind of a village. The demons decided to terrorise this place instead. The tents were on fire and people were panicking, some were even dead... The angels decided to draw the attention of the demons toward them. The archangels shot their arrows and the demons immediately came flying toward us. We fought off as many as we could, but angels kept dying and now the demons were in control. The dead bodies of demons and angels landed on top of houses and villagers. Most of them died. That's when I decided that I've had enough. I was no longer going to be part of this. So I fled. I flew away as fast as possible and as far as my wings could carry me. Luckily, I was not being followed and I decided to take a break in the forest.

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