Chapter 6

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When we got home, Mom left a note on the fridge saying that she was sleeping over at a friend's house for the weekend.

"Where do you think she went to?" Gabriel asked.

"It doesn't matter," I said, "she's probably sleeping over at her boyfriend's place. This isn't the first time she left me home alone anyway."

"At least I'm here." Gabriel said, feeling left out after I said alone.

"Yeah... I'll be in my room."

I walked upstairs into my room and closed the door. I loosened my hair from the messy bun I made and sat on my bed.

"Red?" Gabriel said, knocking on the door.

"Come in Gabriel." I said.

He walked in, closed the door behind him and sat next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah... Just bored." I lied.

Honestly, I felt mad. My mother left and I had no idea where she went. The sight of seeing her with a demon made me want to throw up. What could she possibly be up to? Is it drugs? Money? I tried so hard not to think that it that. Maybe it wasn't, maybe she just needs comfort, but she is with a demon...

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Gabriel asked.

"I'd just really like to be alone right now." I said.

"C'mon, I want to show you something." Gabriel said, taking my hand and pulled me up to my feet.

He led me outside, in the backyard.

"What now?" I asked.

"Watch." Gabriel answered.

His white wings started appearing from his back, although there appeared to be shades of black on his wings.

"C'mon." He said.

"No way. Have you even flown after the war?"

"Yes, many times actually. C'mon, trust me."

I walked forward and wrapped my arms around Gabriel's neck. He put his arms around me and we were facing each other. I closed my eyes and I could feel my feet off the ground. I tightened my grip around Gabriel's neck.

"Red, you're choking me." He said and I loosened my arms a little.

"You can open your eyes now." He said.

I opened my eyes and instinctively looked down. I started breathing heavily and was beginning to panic.

"Don't look down, Red." Gabriel said.

"Well then where am I supposed to look?!" I shouted.

"Just focus your eyes on me," he said, "look into my eyes."

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