Chapter 1

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There was the sound of the school bell ringing. Everyone hurried to leave and go home. I headed to towards my locker and packed my books in it. School was tiring and now I could finally go home. I was about to exit the school when someone called me.

"Hey Red!" Ezra Ramirez, one of my class mates and best friend, called out from behind me.

I turned around to face him. He had brown eyes and hair, and wore a smile on his face. Ezra looked put of breath and I could only assume that he was running as he had called me.

"Catch you later?" He asked.

"Sorry can't. I have to study." I replied.

"Then how about tomorrow?", he grinned at me.


I left without giving him a chance to speak back and headed home. Walking was the worst part. I would always arrive home with aching feet. Many teachers and students offered to drive me home, but I refused. If I had to be honest, I guess I kind of enjoyed the long journey. It was just me and my thoughts. Besides, I always felt like I was never alone, as if someone was watching me... Protecting me. I came to a halt once I saw a guy who looked about 2 years older than me.

"Red... Wow. You've grown..." He said.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"No...", he looked disappointed at least that's what I saw...

"It's been so long... 17 years. I still remember the day I held you as a baby.", the mysterious person said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Meet me in the attic at your house at midnight. I'll answer everything you need to know."

With the blink of an eye he disappeared and I stood on the sidewalk confused. Instead of reporting this to the authorities. I continued walking once people starting walking against me as if I was some kind of obstacle that covered the entire sidewalk, which made it impossible for them to walk around. I whispered the word "asshole" once I man decided to purposefully bump into me as if it was a crime to continually stand on one spot. He turned around to face me, but I ignored him and just walked pass as if he wasn't really there. As I walked, I felt someone grabbing my arm in order to prevent me from walking any further. I turned around to see who dared touching me without my consent, and to my surprise it was the same man who bumped into me. He looked angry... No... Furious. It seems I have struck a nerve and if he would try anything I wouldn't be going down without a fight.

"My apologies Miss, but didn't your
mother teach you not to use such violent language.", he said.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"You should think twice before speaking. There could be serious consequences when speaking something that should not be spoken."

"I don't know who you are, but this is my mouth. You have no say in what I can or cannot speak. Besides, maybe I wouldn't have called you an asshole if you just had some respect and walked around me."

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