It's Not The First Time

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He threw me against the wall, and I heard my rib crack.


I slid down it, and hot tears burned my cheeks.


The front door opened and then closes, Dad walking out to drink away the pain in his knuckles.


I'm all alone.

It's not the first time it happened, and I knew what to do next.

The crawl to my bedroom killed me, but I'm glad I didn't pass out from the pain like I usually do. I have homework due in tomorrow.

The door to the bathroom is open, thankfully, and I yanked myself up and held onto the sink for support.

I know I shouldn't do this, but I always did after a good hour long beating.

The shine from the knife in my hands put me into a trance, and I watched with a ghost of a smile on my bruised face as I brought it up near my wrist.

My already rolled up sleeve showed my pale arm so I could cut across the vein, where all the other barely healed wounds lay.

The blade sliced another line in my taunt skin, and the crimson blood trickled down to my fingers, where it dripped into the sink.

*Drip. Drip. Drip*

I applied more pressure to cut more deeply until I was done, and then finally, I washed the knife and hid it behind the radiator, where no one would find it except me.

The mirror reflection shows a girl with black hair to the small of her back, indigo coloured irises, split lip dry with crimson blood, and a bruised cheek in the obvious shape of a hand.

~Aurora has been plagued with a murder dear to her heart, and she suffers the consequences almost daily. Her life is abused and her hopes for the next day are if she can cover that bruise on her face, not would she pass that exam? High school senior year brings good luck but bad too, and she gets caught up in a love-mess. Her best friend, the one she can trust with ALL of her secrets becomes her boyfriend. But Aurora's art teacher, Mr. Angelo, picks up on more than her school friends do. Is it a bad thing or good?~


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