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It was weird to see George with one ear, and he now needed help hearing (also known as a hearing aid). It was clear he didn't enjoy it. 
"At least it's invisible," Ella consoled. He snorted. 
"Speak for yourself," he replied. 

However, the pair did have more pressing things to worry about. For example, a second baby. They didn't really have the space for a second baby. 
"Should we move?" George asked. 
"Well, we could, but honestly, what will you do with the flat?" Ella responded. 
"Hmm. We could use it for the store, I guess. Or maybe as a staff room," George pondered.

Aside from that, their life seemed considerably calm, apart from Bill and Fleur's wedding. 
"How can I go like this?" George would exclaimed. 
"Like how? You look perfectly good to me," Ella complimented. 
"My ear!" George exclaimed, pointing to it. "It's making me feel unconfident." 
"George, if the baby isn't scared of you, I think you'll be fine." It was quite funny, really, how George responded towards a lost ear. Although, the jokes were wearing both Ella and Fred, who spent the most time with him, out. 
"He's going to make me want to quit. Or better yet, move across the world," Fred spilt to her once. 
"I think it's making Emma cry more. And not eat. In protest," Ella told him. "I may make a swear jar kind of thing." 
"That's a good idea. I'm going to get Lottie one of those." 

Ella felt Bill and Fleur's wedding could not have come at a better time. Everyone generally seemed down, so it was definitely something to look forwards too. 
"Do you remember our wedding?" George asked, the night before. They were all (as in, Ella, George, Fred, Charlotte and Emma) sharing a room. Emma was already sound asleep, as were both Fred and Charlotte. 
"You say that like it was thirty years ago," Emma snorted. 
"It feels like it's been that long," George admitted, even though it wasn't, really. 
"It was enjoyable, though. Do you remember the steak we ate?" 
"The steak was good." Ella laughed. 
"Is that all you're going to remember in thirty years time?" 
"Yeah, but I'll also remember that same night when-"
"Oi, lovebirds, shut it and sleep," Fred shouted. Ella couldn't help it, and started to giggle.

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