Chapter One || Tragedy

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This chapter will be based on episode 6 of Season 3, if you're wondering. Of course, I'll write it my way, not exactly like in the episode but you can see that it was this one. Enjoy~


Today you would have your first real mission, and you were hella excited. Lance tried to keep you calmed down but it didn't work at all.

You had to infiltrate a Galra Ship that was nearby, because it had a comet you just lost a few days ago to them on it. That Lotor got. That Asshole. Of course, you had to get it back. Hell knows what they are gonna do with it. And before they can do anything with it, you needed to get it back immediately, or everyone would be in danger again. You had to hurry.

The Galra Ship landed at the station, and you all got ready. Of course you were flying with Lance. You liked Blue more, but Red seems cool as well, you had to get used to this switch of Lions. But as long as you flew with him, you didn't care what you were flying.
Arriving at the ground, you used the smaller vehicle to get even closer, unseen. Again, you were riding on it with Lance. Who else.

As you sneaked inside of the ship, you still couldn't help yourself but being happy. You were all bouncy and made weird excited noises.
"Geez (Y/n), calm down. It's just a mission!" Lance chuckled.
"Just a mission?! This is my first real mission! I can't stop but being excited!!" You almost yelled at him with a happy tone.
"Keep it down you two, or do you want us to get caught?" Keith grumbled. Ugh, party pooper.

"This way, I got something." Hunk said, who held the detector in his hands and chose to go right, because it lead him this way. You all followed. Soon, you arrived inside of a hangar, a new and modified Galra fighter being inside of it.
"That- that is the comet. It should be right here, but there's the ship!" Hunk exclaimed. "What? This is impossible! How can they be so fast with forging the comet into a single fighter?!" Pidge said, being shocked.
"This is a disaster... it can't be happening." Allura had already worried about something like that. "Hey, maybe there's still something of the comet left! I mean, they couldn't have used everything for just one fighter, right?" You told them. "Yeah... I think (Y/n) is right." Hunk said, "But this seems to be the only spot where this thing lead us to!"

There was a long Silence between all of you while you stared at the fighter. Is this even possible?

"Uh... guys?! It seems like the Galra have a part of the Teludav stored here, and now they're gonna take it with them!" Coran spoke through the communicator to your group, "You need to stop them right away, before they get away with it!"
"What do they need a Teludav for? They can't use it without an Altean!" You stated. "That is right, but..." Allura gasped, "Zarkon's witch! She's Altean! She had Altean markings!"
"Then what are we waiting for?! We need to stop them!" Keith yelled at all of you and ran back to where you came from, you following him.

You were just about to leave the ship you were on, as suddenly the doors in front of you opened, and four creatures stood there. Are these... Lotor's Generals? Oh hell no.

"Well, looks like we're not leaving without a fight!" Lance said, and aimed at the red one, shooting at her. They attacked, and Keith immediately fought the one with the blue skin. Pidge and Hunk took care of the one that looked like a lizard, and Allura got into a battle with the big one. You didn't know what to do at first, but then you decided to help Allura, that big one looked hard to take on all alone.

After a while of fighting, Keith had to save Lance's ass once again. But it seemed endless, and you all grew tired while it seemed that the enemy only grew more eager to crush you.
You stood in the middle, trying to be on a look out for everyone. That's when you saw the red one lounging at Lance. "Watch out!" You yelled, and quickly jumped between the two. To your bad, your helmet was being kicked off by her, and fell to the ground. And for a moment everyone froze, even the enemy. But they froze at the sight of you.

Acxa used the moment and went to the side, immediately contacting Lotor. He appeared on a small screen in front of her. "Acxa, what is it now?" He asked, obviously being annoyed. "Sir, you might want to see this." She said, and gave him a sight of you in the fight. How could it be, that you looked exactly like Lotor? He got curious. "Bring her to me this instant, that is an order." He said without hesitation. "Yes, sir." She replied and ended the call, returning to battle. Skipping over to Ezor, she gave her the order to capture you. The girl smirked at that, and turned invisible.

"Hey! Where did she go?!" Pidge yelled.
"That's unimportant now, we need to retreat! We can't beat them all, they're too strong!" Hunk said worried.
"Oh I agree with you big guy!" Lance replied. Keith refused to retreat, and Shiro had to knock some sense into him again, until he agreed.
"(Y/n)! Get your helmet and then we go!" Lance told you, as you nodded and ran to the spot where it had landed. Little did you know that Ezor had just waited for you to separate a little more from the group.

Suddenly, you were knocked out by someone, and this person as well caught your unconscious form in their arms, just to reveal herself as the red lady. She had a smirk on her face and grabbed you around the waist, retreating. And the others did as well.

"(Y/n)! NO!!" Lance yelled, and wanted to run after you, but was being held back by Keith. "Lance, we need to go now, or they're getting the Teludav. We can get her later!" Keith pulled at his arm.
"No we cannot! We need to rescue her NOW! THEY'RE GETTING AWAY WITH HER!" But now even Shiro stepped in. "Lance, listen to Keith. We will get her back. Right now, the mission is important."
Lance grumbled a little, "And (Y/n) isn't?! She's in danger!!"
"Lance please," Allura placed a hand on his shoulder, "Well will get her back as soon as we take the Teludav away from them." There was a silence between everyone until he agreed to come with them. He wouldn't give you up that easily.

Lotor's Generals had taken you inside the new built fighter. They flew off to keep Voltron from getting or destroying the Teludav. The fight seemed victorious for the Generals, until they were tricked by the Paladins and the Teludav was destroyed. Acxa was angered, but had to keep her rage inside. They had to retreat.
"Your failure is unacceptable. Retreat now, punishment will be given later." Lotor told to Acxa. "I apologize for what happened sir, they tricked us." She started, "But we have the girl. They are not gonna get her in any way." These words made a smirk appear on Lotor's face, and a low "Good" escaped his lips before the call ended.

"Now's the moment! We have to get her back NOW!" Lance yelled at everyone as they headed straight for the fighter. It flew away, they weren't fast enough. As much as they tried, they couldn't catch up with it. And soon, it was gone into the nothingness of space.
"No no no NO NO NO!!" Lance slammed his fist against the board of the red Lion. He covered his face in his hands, and even some tears formed at the edge of his eyes. "(Y/n)..." He stared off into the direction where you just had disappeared into, "I will get you back. I promise. Whatever it takes, I'll do anything to rescue you."

And with that, The Paladins returned to the Castle, saddened by their loss of another comrade. But no one was as damaged as Lance. Because he had just lost his best friend, who would comfort him all the time, and it was his fault. He had sent you to get your helmet back which separated you from the group. He blamed all on himself.

The rest of the day, Lance only spent the time in his room. He didn't even eat. The feeling of the guilt in his body was eating him out from the inside.


"We'll wait for her to wake up, prepare for the plan we spoke about." Lotor said after Zethrid placed you onto a medical table, and all of them left the room.
"Let's see why the Paladins chose you to fight with them, Hybrid."


Well now it's gonna get real funny. The next chapter is gonna be even more FUNNY. really FUNNY. Yeah. Of course. C:

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