Chapter Seven || Starry Nights

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OOF I didn't even get close to what I wanted to get done until tomorrow
I only reached season 4 in the story now but I should've been through it
I'm such a lazy writer fuck


Since the day Lotor arranged a meeting with your father, everything seemed to go upwards between the two of you. You got closer every time you'd just see each other, he would choose you on missions with him or other things over the others, even over Acxa. He treated you so sweet, you felt so good around him. And there were no problems at all. You hadn't been in a conflict with Voltron for months now. That's because Lotor was planning something that the empire would not like, thus, he stood hidden. You never got attacked, never got into any trouble, nothing. It was almost peaceful.

The drones were working on two other ships made out of the material of the comet from the other reality. You already had one, but also had some of the comet left, Lotor wanted to make more. Something that could finally stand Voltron, and the empire easily.


You haven't heard anything about them. Of course, they were slowly taking back the galaxy, but that was all you heard of them. You had to admit... you missed them. Especially Lance. You hoped he'd be okay, same goes to Pidge. You got along with those two the best, you didn't want anything to happen to them. Actually, you were also happy for all of them for their success. And you guys didn't do anything against it, almost seeming like Lotor wanted Voltron to take everything back. It was weird. You couldn't quite understand what he was planning, but it seemed like something big. Whatever it was, you only hoped everything would work out well.

The ship was very quiet, especially when it was nighttime. Only the drones would sometimes continue to work, but else, nothing happened. The only sounds you'd hear then were your own footsteps, the sound of the working ship and the sound of the galaxy. Of course, it didn't have any sounds actually, but with the years you just imagined there was a sound. A calming sound that was just relaxing. And you loved it.

Your feet carried you down the halls, towards the main bridge. You still wore your armor though, you only felt comfortable in the ship with it on. Your tail swayed from left to right while walking, in a rhythm. Every night, you'd head up to the bridge, hoping no one would see you. There was a reason why you did so.

The doors opened and you stepped inside. Everything was empty and quiet, the monitors shut off. The ship would always go into some kind of 'sleeping mode' at night. It's easier to sleep that way, it makes less sounds, and energy will be reserved. You walked up to the command boards and checked the status of the ship. Everything clean, everything fine. Turning the screens off again, you looked upwards, only to see the reason why you came here.

The galaxy and its stars.

You loved watching this beautiful scenery, you loved to see how colorful it was, and the stars matched perfectly along with it. Everything would just be so harmonic, and sometimes there'd even be a meteor shower in the distance. It felt nice to watch everything be so peaceful, it just gave you a relaxing feeling, and you felt safe.

And just like every night, you turned around to look at Lotor's seat that looked like a throne. You walked up to it, gently placing one of your hands on its lean. Your hand would caress the seat, the leans, and then you'd just let your hand rest on top of it. But you would never sit on it. You did never, would never. No, you had enough respect towards Lotor to not do that.

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