The Book

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Oreo's POV

Okay, I was FINALLY able to outrun Orange and hide somewhere.

Geez, what is his PROBLEM!?  Just get over Watermelon already dude, you're old news!

Oh god, I hear footsteps.

I peek out from the chair I was taking refuge behind and look around.

No Orange...

"Oreo, the coast is clear." I hear Watermelon's sweet voice coming from somewhere.

Carefully, I step out from my hiding spot and almost run straight into Watermelon.

"Can you believe that guy?" I say. "He just can't get over you, can he?"

"Yeah, it's getting embarrassing." She replied to me.

"Don't worry, I can handle him!  He just needs to stay out of our business!" I say with confidence.  Orange won't mess with the two of us!

You know, as soon as I stop running away every time he threatens to kill me...

He startles me sometimes, okay!?

"Anyway, I'm heading back to my room now to talk  with Gumball, you...can do whatever you want." Watermelon says as she heads off.

Gosh, what is there to not like about her?

I looked around the room I was in, I didn't pay much attention to the details as I ran inside.  It seemed to be some kind of a library, there were shelves of books lined up against the walls, and they looked new.  No cobwebs in sight.

Well, I have nothing else to do.

I grabbed a dark colored book from one of the shelves and sat in the comfortable armchair I was hiding behind earlier.

"Year of The Undead...huh." I quietly said to myself.  If I had to guess, this was some kind of book about the zombie apocalypse?  Interesting. 

I opened the hard cover and started to read the prologue.

Now, I can't say for certain how much time passed...but a lot of time passed.  But the book was really good, it's about a group of friends who are surviving the zombie apocalypse together, they fight against the hordes and raiders, and sometimes join other groups of survivors!

But the really cool thing is, no matter what happens, they always end up back together.  Kinda reminds me of Pudding Cup, Police Hat and I.  We were unstoppable as an alliance!

Well, I have a new alliance now, and Pudding Cup and Police Hat no longer are in an alliance with each other.  Hey...maybe I can get the two of them to be in mine, Watermelon's, and Gumball's alliance with me!  That'd be AWESOME!

"Hello Oreo." A slightly accented voice suddenly spoke.

I almost dropped my book in surprise, who was that!?  I looked up from the pages to see...

"Lemon?  What are you doing here?" I asked Lemon, who was standing in the doorway.

"Looking around.  But what are you doing here?  I never took you as a reading person."

"Yeah, I didn't either.  But this book is amazing!" I say as I hold up the book to Lemon.  He walked over and inspected the book, then shrugged.

"Well, you keep doing what you're doing.  I'm leaving."

"Okay, bye Lemon!"

As soon as Lemon left the room, I started reading again.  Right now, the group is split up, and the only thing standing in between their reunion is a horde of zombies.  But, the zombies have the sheer numbers, and they are all running low on ammo.

Wait...OH NO!!!

  Lily was bitten!!!

What's going to happen next!?

Woah, wow, they got their hand cut off, but now there's blood everywhere! 

I keep reading intently, tearing through the rest of the book in a few more hours. 

"Wow." I say to myself.

So apparently, it's a series. 


I'm about to start looking for it, but then fatigue hits me like a train.  God, I'm tired.

And Orange literally waking me up every night to remind me how 'this isn't over yet' really doesn't help either.

No, seriously.  Every.  Single.  Night.

It really puts a damper in my schedule.

I walked all the way back to my room, the lights in the hallway were dim, making the walk back seem something out of a horror movie. 

It kinda gives me chills.

Hey...who's that?

Someone was standing outside my door, and as I got closer, I(thankfully) realized that it was just Police Hat.

"Uh, hey Police Hat." I said to him.  He then turned to me, a stern look on his face.

"Oreo, it's past curfew.  And being outside your room at this hour is against the law!" He stated.

Wait...curfew?  How come nobody told me about this?

"Curfew?  Since when?" I asked him.

"Wii U told me to issue a curfew, he said that the situation was getting worse, and that it was dangerous at this time of night.  And according to my notes, you're two hours past." He explained, not taking his eyes off mine.

"So then...what time is it now?"

"Twelve A.M."

Seriously!?  It's midnight?  I knew I was reading for a while, but not this long!

"Sorry Police Hat, I won't do it again." I promise him.  Maybe next time, I should just borrow the book from the library.

"I guess I'll let you off the hook since you didn't know about it." Police Hat said.  Then he walked back to his room, which was next to mine.

"Goodnight Police Hat!" I said before he entered the door.

"Night, Oreo." He said.  Then he closed the door with a quiet thud.

I did the same, and flopped onto the bed.  I have to admit, whoever furnished this hotel really knew what they were doing. 

I awoke sometime in midmorning, but I felt like I was floating...

Then I fell.

"Ow!  What the..."

Well, now I'm on the floor.  I sat up in a mess of blanket and shook my head.

Why am I on the floor..?

I untangled myself and tossed the thick blanket back on the bed as I remembered my dream from last night.

I don't recall all of it, but I do remember Police Hat, Pudding Cup and I fighting off zombies.  I think me and Police Hat had guns, and Pudding Cup had a baseball bat...and I think Watermelon was there too...

Man, if we could fight zombies in real life!

That would be so cool.

Year of The Undead: An Alliance FanficWhere stories live. Discover now