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Police Hat's POV

While Sandwich was freaking out about his phone having Wi-Fi, I squinted at the spot where Lemon pointed out.  It looked like a few buildings were up the hill.  I couldn't see the rectangular towers very well though, the sun was in my eyes.

"Do you think we should go over there?" Fire Axe asked. 

I crossed my arms and thought. 

"Well, there's a good chance that that city is overrun by zombies..." I mutter.

"We should go over and see!" Oreo commented. "We gotta at least try, right?"

"Yeah...Pudding Cup, what do you think?" I ask Pudding Cup, who has been strangely silent throughout this conversation.

"Um, oh yeah, w-we should go check it out." She replied immediately after I asked her the question.

"Well, let's go then." I say, walking in the direction of the buildings.

Hold on, is everyone following me?  I glance back at them, and sure enough, they're all walking behind me.  Okay, good.  It's too soon to lose another person.

As we climb the sloping hill, I realize the cluster of buildings is farther than I originally thought they were.  At this rate, it's gonna take us until nightfall to reach there! 

We trekked for at least half an hour, with no sign of the small town getting closer.

"Bro, how long is it gonna take to get to this place?" Sandwich complained impatiently. "My feet are killing me here!"

"Just a little bit longer, and it'll be worth it to have somewhere sheltered for the rest of the night." I replied to him.

"That is, if the place is actually habitable." I heard Pudding Cup grumble from somewhere in the back.

"Cheer up, Pudding Cup!  I'm sure that there'll be somewhere we can stay!" Oreo tried to lighten the mood.

Pudding Cup let out a sound of indifference and shrugged.

Just as I predicted, we reached the strange buildings when night came around.  There was a makeshift wood and metal gate and fence surrounding the area, it looks like some objects took initiative and built a defense.

"So...what do we now?" Pudding Cup asked, staring at the gate.

"Stand back, I got this." Sandwich smugly said, pushing Pudding Cup out of his way.  She fumed, but didn't say a word.  Sandwich then looked like he was going to punch the gate. 

Does he seriously think he can punch through solid wood and metal?

Sandwich made contact with the gate, resulting in a loud chime of metal.  He then waved his hand around in pain.

"Ow!!  God, that hurts!"

"Well maybe you should've thought about that before punching a metal gate!" Fire Axe scolds him. 

"It's not my fault, I'm tired!"


"Okay," I interrupt the pair of them. "Why don't we be sensible, and knock on the gate instead of punching it?"

"Eh, I guess that'll work..." Sandwich semi-concedes.

I walk up to the door, and knock without hesitation.  Nobody answers.  So I try again, and still nobody answers.

"This place is probably deserted." Watermelon flatly says.

"Yeah...I think we should go, Police Hat." Oreo adds.

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