Journey To The City

134 5 85

Oreo's POV

" need to leave?" I ask Police Hat hesitantly.  He nods once, but before I can protest, he said,

"If you're worried, Oreo, I'll be fine.  I can handle myself."

"Well yeah," I protest. "But shouldn't we stick together?"

Lemon nodded in agreement.  "Yeah, safety in numbers."

"But you guys will be staying here."

"Heck no!" Pudding Cup exclaimed. "I may not sound like I give a crap sometimes, but you against hordes of zombies?  I don't think so.  You can't do it alone, it isn't safe."

"I'll be with the rest of the officers dispatched there." Police Hat calmly argued. "Besides, it is literally my job to keep you all safe."


"Pudding Cup, no need to shout!" Fire Axe cries, trying to tone everything down. "I think that Police Hat should go, like he said, it's his job."


"Maybe we could go with him, stay somewhere away from the fighting, but close enough so we know he's safe." I throw in my two cents.

"I am NOT bringing you guys to a ZOMBIE INFESTED CITY." Police Hat states sternly.

"I'd find a way to go anyway." Pudding Cup shrugs off his rule. "You're just prolonging the inevitable here."

Police Hat groans and takes a deep breath.

"Okay, fine.  You guys can come.  But if you cause any trouble, you are coming RIGHT back here.  Understand?"

"Understood, Police Hat!" I chirp, Pudding Cup nodding behind me.

Yeah, I get it that Police Hat has a real important mission to do, but I gotta be there for my friend.  I feel really bad for leaving the alliance... I have to make it up to my best friends somehow!

"Well, I'm not going."

We all turned to Sandwich, who had an indifferent expression on his face.

"Your problem ain't my problem.  I'm not risking my life out there." He explained boredly, and went back to playing games on his phone. "Lemon, Fire Axe, you with me?"

Lemon looked from Sandwich to Police Hat with uncertainty, but then nodded in Sandwich's direction.

"I'm with you.  Fire Axe?"

Fire Axe froze, pressing his lips together. 

"I..." He started to say, but then he stopped talking.  His eyes were filled with nervousness, and he fiddled with his hands.

"Come on Fire Axe, you wouldn't want to be a traitor, would you?" Sandwich asked, raising an eyebrow.

The tenseness in the air was almost crushing at that point, and the room was silent, like the world itself waited for Fire Axe's response.

I feel bad...should I say something?

I glance over at Watermelon for an answer.  She's been silent this entire time.  Her gaze isn't even on the conflict at hand, but somewhere else.  She must be thinking intensely.

Watermelon's always told me to not interfere with anything that doesn't concern me, so I tend to stay out of conversations more.  But I've been competing with Fire Axe for a while, so that technically makes him my friend.

And any of my friends' business is my business.

Still, Watermelon might get mad at me...but... I think it's worth it to try and reassure Fire Axe. 

Year of The Undead: An Alliance Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن